Let Microsoft acquire and save Twitter from Elon Musk

Let Microsoft acquire and save Twitter from Elon Musk

July 24, 2023
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Signatures: 91Next Goal: 100
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Why this petition matters

Started by Hassan Taleb

On July 23, 2023, Elon Musk announced that Twitter would rebrand as X. Many Twitter users viewed the name as a bland and dumb name that is taking out one of the most recognizable brand names in the whole world, but Elon didn't stop there. He then would suspend many Twitter users' accounts for no reason (one of those accounts included my friend @MadKaiser98), and caused some people to drop in followers. This is something that caused Twitter an apocalypse.

However, I want the company Microsoft to save Twitter from Elon, undo the biggest blasphemy, which was removing the Twitter bird in favor of X. I hope Microsoft listens to us all and swoops in to restore order from Elon's clutches.

Justice for the blue bird.

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Signatures: 91Next Goal: 100
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