Texas: Expand the Right To Life

Texas: Expand the Right To Life

September 4, 2021
Petition to
Governor Greg Abbott and the Texas Legislature and
Signatures: 118Next Goal: 200
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Why this petition matters

Started by Leah Napier

To Governor Abbott and the Texas Legislature:

I am writing in regard to Senate Bill 8 (SB8), which went into effect Wednesday, September 1, 2021. I am asking for a show of your commitment to the right to life by extending this law even further. As you believe that life begins at conception, you know that conception is not feasible without a fertilized egg and that an egg cannot be fertilized without sperm. Therefore, no sperm should be wasted. All sperm have the potential to become beautiful, innocent babies, and no baby should be wiped away with a dirty sock or tissue. This piece of legislation, or "Right to Swim" law, will further protect the innocent and prove the great state of Texas' commitment to life. Additionally, a "Right to Swim" law will hold men to the same level of accountability as women are by SB 8. Any man caught or suspected of ejaculating outside of the confines of a warm, fertile vaginal cavity will be subject to the same fines and penalties declared in SB 8. I implore you Governor Abbott and the fine elected officials of Texas, do the right thing and pass this "Right to Swim" law, ending the violent and unnecessary deaths of millions of potential babies. 



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Signatures: 118Next Goal: 200
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