Enact Abortion Protection Law in Orleans Parish

Enact Abortion Protection Law in Orleans Parish

July 2, 2022
Signatures: 1,108Next Goal: 1,500
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Why this petition matters

Started by Tiptoes Lightly

To Orleans Parish City Councilmembers:

Roe v. Wade being overturned is a step backward for civil rights in America. People who can become pregnant deserve autonomy over our bodies. We deserve this human right. We deserve equality with men, and as of June 24, 2022, we no longer have it. This petition has been written and signed to implore you to enact legislation immediately that would protect Orleans Parish citizens' bodily autonomy, control over our private medical decisions, and access to safe and legal abortion.

The City of Austin is enacting a law that protects these rights. You can see their version here: https://assets.austintexas.gov/austincouncilforum/E0-20220624105310.pdf

You have already taken steps to deprioritize abortion investigations, which we applaud. And Mayor Cantrell and District Attorney Williams both acknowledge that the trigger law that Governor Edwards recently signed is not the right direction for this city. Now is the time to add proactive protections for Orleans parish residents.

The city of New Orleans is known for being an inclusive place, a principle of increasing value in this divisive political climate. You have the power to send a message to the nation that New Orleans leads by remaining the welcoming city it has always been, that New Orleans stands up for the rights of its people, regardless of gender or anatomy, that New Orleans values and protects each and every one of its citizens.

The cities of Denton, Texas, San Antonio, and Atlanta are taking action to pass laws like this one. Please act now—follow their example by taking up this mantle of leadership. Show the people of Orleans Parish that we are all equally valued and protected by this city. Show America that New Orleans stands on the right side of history.

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Signatures: 1,108Next Goal: 1,500
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