Deny Parole for Kristy Murphy, Convicted of Third-Degree Murder

Deny Parole for Kristy Murphy, Convicted of Third-Degree Murder

November 10, 2023
Signatures: 1,054Next Goal: 1,500
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Why this petition matters

To: common wealth of PA
Board of probation and parole

 We are writing to express our profound concern over the potential parole of kristy Murphy, who was convicted of the heinous crime of third degree murder. This woman played a significant role in the brutal murder and abuse of a five-year-old child, O,ryan, who was a beloved grandchild, brother, son, nephew, and innocent soul.

 We demand that the parole board deny  kristy Murphy request for parole. The nature of her crime and the impact it has had on our family and community should warrant a full serving of her sentence. Releasing her would not only be a miscarriage of justice for Oryan but also pose a direct threat to the safety of other children in our family and community.

 Oryan was a happy, loving child whose life was tragically cut short due to the unfathomable acts of kristy Murphy and her accomplice. His loss has left an indelible mark on our family, and we have spent the last eight years trying to heal from this tragedy.

It's important to note that kristy Murphy spent only three years in prison, with the first five years of her sentence served in county jail. The thought of her being released after such a short time in prison, and potentially interacting with our other grandchildren, is unbearable and unacceptable.

The severity of her crime should be reflected in her punishment. Charges are 3rd degree murder. Maximum of forty years, and  By releasing her after just 8, we would be sending a dangerous message about the consequences of child abuse and murder. O'ryan didn't even get to see the age of 8!  According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), about two-thirds (67%) of released prisoners were arrested for a new crime within three years, and three-quarters (76%) were arrested within five years [BJS]. With such high recidivism rates among released prisoners, it's clear that granting parole to someone convicted of such a heinous crime would be detrimental.

We urge you to stand with us in seeking justice for O'ryan. Your signature can make a significant difference in ensuring that kristy Murphy serves her full sentence. Please also share this petition with others and raise awareness about this cause. 

Together, we can ensure that O'ryan's tragic death is not forgotten, and justice is duly served.

Thank you for your support.





















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Signatures: 1,054Next Goal: 1,500
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