Demand "X"(aka Twitter) Remove Anti-Black RACIST

Demand "X"(aka Twitter) Remove Anti-Black RACIST

January 26, 2024
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Signatures: 703Next Goal: 1,000
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Why this petition matters

Started by Ms. Scott

We are deeply concerned about a user named Diane Yap on "X", formerly known as Twitter. Her actions and words are not only offensive, but they also contribute to the animosity between different racial groups. She is known for her derogatory remarks towards black people, even going as far as referring to them as "farm equipment". This kind of language is not just disrespectful but also promotes hatred and division. Her followers are primarily white supremacists who happily make references to unaliving black people and promoting harmful and negative images and tropes. Her username is @realdianeyap to view. Please note, this is one of her objectives, to gain as much white adjacency clout and white supremacist acceptance at the expense of harming & abusing black people. 

Diane Yap's behavior appears to stem from personal failures in her career and graduate school and possible mentally ill state of mind, which she unjustly takes out on black individuals. This kind of scapegoating is harmful and unacceptable.

"X", formerly known as Twitter, has always been a platform that encourages free speech, but it should never be a place where ignorance, racism, or the promotion of white supremacy are tolerated. The latter has historically been linked with promoting genocide (Source: United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention). 

We need "X", formerly known as Twitter, to understand that allowing such users like Diane Yap can lead to real-world harm by fostering an environment where racism thrives unchecked.

Let's urge Twitter to take action against this user who is using their platform for hate speech instead of constructive dialogue. Please sign this petition urging Twitter to remove Diane Yap from their platform immediately.

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Signatures: 703Next Goal: 1,000
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