Production and Completion of Mindhunter (Netflix) Season 3.

Production and Completion of Mindhunter (Netflix) Season 3.

January 20, 2020
Petition to
David Fincher and
Signatures: 94,314Next Goal: 150,000
169 people signed this week

Top supporter voices

Why this petition matters

Started by Dawn Bruner

Dear Mr. David Fincher. Joe Penhall, Charlize Theron, et. al.,

We Mindhunter (Netflix) Fans respect and admire your amazing skills in writing, producing, and directing our favorite Series.
Many of us waited patiently and anticipated excitedly for Season 2 to drop, and when it finally arrived we were elated.
We have watched, rewatched, and binge-watched, as well, we have dedicated hours to discussing our favorite scenes and characters, marveling at your brilliance, your attention to the minute details, appreciating the little quirks, nuances, and peculiarities throughout in our Facebook group, Mindhunter (Netflix) fans, which is 5,800 plus members strong, worldwide! Not to mention, with anyone else who listen!!
So we are understandibly disappointed and upset at the decision to put Season 3 off indefinitely while Mr. David Fincher works on other projects.
We understand, you value those projects, and we feel the same about our Mindhunter.
Please believe, even if the numbers didn't add up in Season 2 as they did for the first Season, we are still out here waiting faithfully and clamoring for more.
So we respectfully ask you to please reconsider your priorities and make the time to film Season 3, soon, and if that isn't a possibility and/or cannot be arranged, then please consider another director for Season 3. While the quality may not be at Fincher level, there are many mega-talented directors out there.
Please don't let such a brilliant series die because we know, without doubt, this show/series has the potential to be Netflix most successful and popular ever.

Thank you for hearing our plea,

Mindhunter Netflix Fans Worldwide.

169 people signed this week
Signatures: 94,314Next Goal: 150,000
169 people signed this week
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