Ban Taliban and Haqqani Network on Twitter to Combat Terrorism and Protect User Safety

Ban Taliban and Haqqani Network on Twitter to Combat Terrorism and Protect User Safety

July 12, 2023


Why this petition matters

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Started by Abdullah Khodadad

Dear Twitter and Mr. Elon Musk,

We, the undersigned journalists, activists, academics and concerned individuals, write this urgent petition to draw your attention to the illegal and alarming misuse of the Twitter platform by the Taliban terror syndicate and its affiliates like the Haqqani Network. We implore you to take immediate action and ban these organizations from using Twitter. Recent UN report showed that the Taliban maintain “symbiotic” relations with both global terror networks like Al-Qaeda and myriad regional terror groups from Central Asia, South Asia and beyond.

The Taliban and Haqqani Terror Network have a long history of perpetrating violence, oppression, and human rights abuses. Their actions have resulted in the suffering and loss of countless innocent lives. They have targeted journalists, activists, and opponents, suppressing freedom of speech, stifling dissent, and imposing a climate of fear.

In addition to their well-documented acts of violence and oppression, it is worth noting that the Haqqani Network has openly taken credit for killing dozens of citizens. This highlights their unrepentant stance and demonstrates the urgency of the situation.

In a recent disturbing development, Sayeed Khosty, a former spokesperson of the Taliban's interior minister Sirajuddin Haqqani, openly used the Twitter platform to issue a death threat to Taliban opponents living outside Afghanistan. Khosty's message, encouraging the killing of "fugitives" and promising to eliminate critics "one by one with a knife," is a shocking display of their intent to silence and harm those who oppose their extremist ideologies.

Dozens of members of the Taliban and Haqqani Network are already listed in both the UN sanctions and the FBI's most wanted lists.

The presence of the Taliban and Haqqani Terror Network on Twitter provides them with a platform to disseminate their violent ideologies, recruit followers, and incite violence, hate speech and further acts of terrorism. Allowing them to continue using Twitter undermines the values of safety, inclusivity, and respect for human rights that your platform upholds. Also, it risks tarnishing Twitter as a platform enabling terror groups. The overwhelming population of Afghanistan disfavours the Taliban and their ideology is alien to them as their leaders have been trained in Pakistani madrassas, including the Haqqani leaders, and they are seen a foreign proxy force hijacking the country’s population.

By banning the Taliban and Haqqani Terror Network from Twitter, you would send a strong message that you stand against violence, terrorism, and the misuse of your platform. It would demonstrate your commitment to the well-being and safety of your users, both online and offline.

We understand the challenges that come with content moderation, but we firmly believe that it is essential to prioritize the safety and security of individuals over any potential difficulties. By taking a decisive step in banning these organizations, Twitter would contribute to the global efforts in countering extremism, protecting human rights, and fostering a more inclusive and peaceful digital space.

We urge you to heed our petition and take immediate action to ban the Taliban and Haqqani Network for their misuse of the Twitter platform. Together, let us stand against terrorism, protect freedom of speech, and create a safer digital environment for all users.

Thank you for your attention and consideration. We look forward to your positive response and action on this critical matter.


Journalists, Activists, Academics and Concerned Individuals:

Dr. Ahmad Sarmast - Musician, Founder of ANIM

Jason Criss Howk - Human Rights Activist

Roya Sadat - Film producer and Director

Aziz Dildar - Film producer and Director

Sahra Karimi - Film producer and Director
Angela Ghayour - Activist
Asar Hakimi - Activist
Attia Mehraban- Journalist & Activist
Abdullah Khodadad - Former Diplomat, Activist
Amina Zia Massoud - Former Diplomat, Activist
Bahar Mehr - Activist
Crystal Bayat - Activist
Dena Khodadad - Activist
Dr, Mirways Bahawi - Activist
Dr. Homeira Qaderi - Academic
Dr. Mohaiuddin Mahdi - Former MP
Dr. Mujib Rahimi - Academic
Dr. Weeda Mehran - Academic
Dr. Zalmai Nishat- Academic

Dr. Mirwais Balkhi - Former Minister of Education, Academic
Ejaz Ahmad Malikzad - Activist

Farshid Hakimyar - Activist
Fahim Ebrat - Activist
Fahim Kohdamani - Journalist and activist
Fariha Easar - Activist
Gulchehra Yaftali - Activist
Haanya Malik - Activist
Habib Khan - Journalist and Founder of Afghan Peace Watch (APW)
Haroon Motaref - Guzar Movement Head, Activist
Hashmat Radfar -Freedom Fighter
Khalid Qaderi - Activist
Khalida Saleh - Activist
M. Edris Lutfi - Activist
Massoud Hossaini - Pulitzer & WPP winner, PhotoJournalist

Mesbah Aini- Former Diplomat
Mina Sharif - Activist
Nasir Kaihan - Activist
Natiq Malikzada - Activist
Nigara Mirdad - Former Diplomat, Activist
Nilofar Ayoubi - Journalist and activist
Nilofar Moradi - Activist
Noorullah Hakimi - Activist
Obaid Mahdi - Activist
Parwana Ibrahimkhail Nijrabi - Activist
Ramin Anwari - Journalist and Activist

Sameer Bedrood - Former Diplomat, Activist

Shabnam Shahpar - Activist
Shafi Karimi - Activist

Seemeen Mahdi - Activist
Shoaib Rahim - Academic
Sodaba Azizi- Activist
Sulaiman Ghalib - Activist
Tooba Lutfi - Activist
Yalda Sarwar - Journalist
Zabih Mahdi - PhD researcher, Activist
Zaki Nadry - Activist
Zala Zazai - Activist
Zarlasht Haidary - Activist
Zarqa Yaftali - Activist


List of Taliban and Haqqani Network Leaders on Twitter:


Zabihullah Mujahid – Taliban’s main spokesman: @Zabehulah_M33

Anas Haqqani – A senior member of the Haqqani Network: @AnasHaqqani313

Mohmmad Naeem – Spokesman of the Taliban’s political office in Qatar: @IeaOffice

Ahmadullah Wasiq – Taliban’s director of the state-run TV: @WasiqAhmadullah

Suhail Shaheen – Head of Taliban’s political office in Qatar: @suhailshaheen1

Qari Abdul Satar Saeed – A senior member of the Taliban: @qarisa3eed

Bilal Karimi – Deputy spokesman of the Taliban: @BilalKarimi21

Inamullah Samangani — Senior spokesman of the Taliban: @HabibiSamangani

Abdul Qahar Balkhi – Taliban’s foreign ministry spokesman: @QaharBalkhi

Mutmaeen – A senior member of the Taliban and head of their olympic committee: @Metmaeen

Qari Yousaf Ahmadi — A senior Taliban spokesman: @QyAhmadi21

Tariq Ghazniwal - A member of the Taliban’s media office: @TGhazniwal

Qari Saeed Khosty – A senior member of the Haqqani Network: @SaeedKhosty

Abdullah Azzam – Aide for the Taliban’s deputy Prime Minister: @Abdullah_azzam7

Sangar Paykhar — A member of the Taliban: @paykhar




Taliban’s Former Interior Minister’s Spokesperson Issues Death Threats To Group’s Critics:


Saeed Khosty - Tweet screenshot


Afghanistan: Taliban’s cruel attacks in Panjshir province amount to war crime of collective punishment

U.N. Security Council Unanimously Condemns Taliban’s Treatment of Women - NYT Report:

U.N. Security Council Unanimously Condemns Taliban’s Treatment of Women






The Petition

Dear Twitter and Mr. Elon Musk,

We, the undersigned journalists, activists, academics and concerned individuals, write this urgent petition to draw your attention to the illegal and alarming misuse of the Twitter platform by the Taliban terror syndicate and its affiliates like the Haqqani Network. We implore you to take immediate action and ban these organizations from using Twitter. Recent UN report showed that the Taliban maintain “symbiotic” relations with both global terror networks like Al-Qaeda and myriad regional terror groups from Central Asia, South Asia and beyond.

The Taliban and Haqqani Terror Network have a long history of perpetrating violence, oppression, and human rights abuses. Their actions have resulted in the suffering and loss of countless innocent lives. They have targeted journalists, activists, and opponents, suppressing freedom of speech, stifling dissent, and imposing a climate of fear.

In addition to their well-documented acts of violence and oppression, it is worth noting that the Haqqani Network has openly taken credit for killing dozens of citizens. This highlights their unrepentant stance and demonstrates the urgency of the situation.

In a recent disturbing development, Sayeed Khosty, a former spokesperson of the Taliban's interior minister Sirajuddin Haqqani, openly used the Twitter platform to issue a death threat to Taliban opponents living outside Afghanistan. Khosty's message, encouraging the killing of "fugitives" and promising to eliminate critics "one by one with a knife," is a shocking display of their intent to silence and harm those who oppose their extremist ideologies.

Dozens of members of the Taliban and Haqqani Network are already listed in both the UN sanctions and the FBI's most wanted lists.

The presence of the Taliban and Haqqani Terror Network on Twitter provides them with a platform to disseminate their violent ideologies, recruit followers, and incite violence, hate speech and further acts of terrorism. Allowing them to continue using Twitter undermines the values of safety, inclusivity, and respect for human rights that your platform upholds. Also, it risks tarnishing Twitter as a platform enabling terror groups. The overwhelming population of Afghanistan disfavours the Taliban and their ideology is alien to them as their leaders have been trained in Pakistani madrassas, including the Haqqani leaders, and they are seen a foreign proxy force hijacking the country’s population.

By banning the Taliban and Haqqani Terror Network from Twitter, you would send a strong message that you stand against violence, terrorism, and the misuse of your platform. It would demonstrate your commitment to the well-being and safety of your users, both online and offline.

We understand the challenges that come with content moderation, but we firmly believe that it is essential to prioritize the safety and security of individuals over any potential difficulties. By taking a decisive step in banning these organizations, Twitter would contribute to the global efforts in countering extremism, protecting human rights, and fostering a more inclusive and peaceful digital space.

We urge you to heed our petition and take immediate action to ban the Taliban and Haqqani Network for their misuse of the Twitter platform. Together, let us stand against terrorism, protect freedom of speech, and create a safer digital environment for all users.

Thank you for your attention and consideration. We look forward to your positive response and action on this critical matter.


Journalists, Activists, Academics and Concerned Individuals:

Dr. Ahmad Sarmast - Musician, Founder of ANIM

Jason Criss Howk - Human Rights Activist

Roya Sadat - Film producer and Director

Aziz Dildar - Film producer and Director

Sahra Karimi - Film producer and Director
Angela Ghayour - Activist
Asar Hakimi - Activist
Attia Mehraban- Journalist & Activist
Abdullah Khodadad - Former Diplomat, Activist
Amina Zia Massoud - Former Diplomat, Activist
Bahar Mehr - Activist
Crystal Bayat - Activist
Dena Khodadad - Activist
Dr, Mirways Bahawi - Activist
Dr. Homeira Qaderi - Academic
Dr. Mohaiuddin Mahdi - Former MP
Dr. Mujib Rahimi - Academic
Dr. Weeda Mehran - Academic
Dr. Zalmai Nishat- Academic

Dr. Mirwais Balkhi - Former Minister of Education, Academic
Ejaz Ahmad Malikzad - Activist

Farshid Hakimyar - Activist
Fahim Ebrat - Activist
Fahim Kohdamani - Journalist and activist
Fariha Easar - Activist
Gulchehra Yaftali - Activist
Haanya Malik - Activist
Habib Khan - Journalist and Founder of Afghan Peace Watch (APW)
Haroon Motaref - Guzar Movement Head, Activist
Hashmat Radfar -Freedom Fighter
Khalid Qaderi - Activist
Khalida Saleh - Activist
M. Edris Lutfi - Activist
Massoud Hossaini - Pulitzer & WPP winner, PhotoJournalist

Mesbah Aini- Former Diplomat
Mina Sharif - Activist
Nasir Kaihan - Activist
Natiq Malikzada - Activist
Nigara Mirdad - Former Diplomat, Activist
Nilofar Ayoubi - Journalist and activist
Nilofar Moradi - Activist
Noorullah Hakimi - Activist
Obaid Mahdi - Activist
Parwana Ibrahimkhail Nijrabi - Activist
Ramin Anwari - Journalist and Activist

Sameer Bedrood - Former Diplomat, Activist

Shabnam Shahpar - Activist
Shafi Karimi - Activist

Seemeen Mahdi - Activist
Shoaib Rahim - Academic
Sodaba Azizi- Activist
Sulaiman Ghalib - Activist
Tooba Lutfi - Activist
Yalda Sarwar - Journalist
Zabih Mahdi - PhD researcher, Activist
Zaki Nadry - Activist
Zala Zazai - Activist
Zarlasht Haidary - Activist
Zarqa Yaftali - Activist


List of Taliban and Haqqani Network Leaders on Twitter:


Zabihullah Mujahid – Taliban’s main spokesman: @Zabehulah_M33

Anas Haqqani – A senior member of the Haqqani Network: @AnasHaqqani313

Mohmmad Naeem – Spokesman of the Taliban’s political office in Qatar: @IeaOffice

Ahmadullah Wasiq – Taliban’s director of the state-run TV: @WasiqAhmadullah

Suhail Shaheen – Head of Taliban’s political office in Qatar: @suhailshaheen1

Qari Abdul Satar Saeed – A senior member of the Taliban: @qarisa3eed

Bilal Karimi – Deputy spokesman of the Taliban: @BilalKarimi21

Inamullah Samangani — Senior spokesman of the Taliban: @HabibiSamangani

Abdul Qahar Balkhi – Taliban’s foreign ministry spokesman: @QaharBalkhi

Mutmaeen – A senior member of the Taliban and head of their olympic committee: @Metmaeen

Qari Yousaf Ahmadi — A senior Taliban spokesman: @QyAhmadi21

Tariq Ghazniwal - A member of the Taliban’s media office: @TGhazniwal

Qari Saeed Khosty – A senior member of the Haqqani Network: @SaeedKhosty

Abdullah Azzam – Aide for the Taliban’s deputy Prime Minister: @Abdullah_azzam7

Sangar Paykhar — A member of the Taliban: @paykhar




Taliban’s Former Interior Minister’s Spokesperson Issues Death Threats To Group’s Critics:


Saeed Khosty - Tweet screenshot


Afghanistan: Taliban’s cruel attacks in Panjshir province amount to war crime of collective punishment

U.N. Security Council Unanimously Condemns Taliban’s Treatment of Women - NYT Report:

U.N. Security Council Unanimously Condemns Taliban’s Treatment of Women






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Started by Abdullah Khodadad
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Signatures: 1,964Next Goal: 2,500
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