Open NYS Boat Launches For Recreational Use

Open NYS Boat Launches For Recreational Use

April 15, 2020
Petition to
Governor - New York Andrew M. Cuomo
This petition made change with 21,242 supporters!

Why this petition matters

Started by sean silvernail

Recreational Boaters and Fisherman are devastated with the recent announcement of closing NYS Boat Launches. Now many boaters and fishermen are not able to enjoy a day in the water enjoying fresh air with people who they live with or by themselves.  While it may make sense to limit certain venues and places that attract massive amounts of people to minimize the potential spread of the Coronavirus it is not reasonable to abruptly close boat launches for recreational boaters and sportsmen alike. Many of these people have heavily invested resources for these activities including state mandated permits, fees, registrations, licenses and such. This abrupt closure is not in line with other measures put in place to flatten the curve. 


This petition made change with 21,242 supporters!

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