Series Creator Eric Kripke on The Boys’ Past, Present & Future

Series Creator Eric Kripke on The Boys’ Past, Present & Future

From Comic Roots to Possible Endings

Series Creator Eric Kripke on The Boys’ Past, Present & Future

Eric Kripke, the mastermind behind the wildly successful Prime Video series The Boys, has approached the series with a slightly different concept. With his unique blend of dark humour, biting social commentary and unapologetic irreverence, this is a series that turns the genre on its head in the best way possible. Kripke’s vision for The Boys has resonated with audiences around the world, creating a show that not only entertains but also challenges the status quo of superhero storytelling.

With its brutal realism and unflinching portrayal of the dark side of superhuman abilities, The Boys has become a cultural phenomenon. Kripke’s ability to subvert expectations and push boundaries has made the show a must-see for genre fans and newcomers alike. The show’s success is a testament to Kripke’s creative prowess and his unwavering commitment to delivering a fresh and daring take on the superhero trope.

As The Boys gears up for its highly anticipated fourth season, fans are eager to see what shocking twists and turns Kripke has in store. With his track record of delivering jaw-dropping moments and thought-provoking storylines, it’s clear that The Boys is in good hands. With some time to sit down with Kripke, we discuss the journey of The Boys, his creative process, and what fans can expect from the upcoming season.

Series Creator Eric Kripke On The Boys’ Past, Present &Amp; Future

Did you ever think The Boys would be as big as it is right now?

Eric Kripke: I don’t think anything I ever do is going to work, even a little. So I’m completely blown away. And I keep waiting for people to learn the truth that I am, in fact, a fraud.

The Boys has diverged from the comics in numerous ways. Was that always the intention, or did it evolve as the show went on?

Eric Kripke: I mean, in all my conversations with Garth Ennis, who I’m a massive fan of, from the very beginning, we were both very aware that you just can’t do a one-to-one adaptation of that book and that the story was just going to have to inherently change that. That comic is very episodic, actually. And the needs of streaming require a bigger, longer story than Garth had really written for the books. 

And so we both sort of knew it. And what he said to me was, “Look, he said, get Butcher right, get the characters right and get the tone right.” And so that’s all I’ve really tried to do. It’s sort of my remix of what Garth has done, and I try to grab storylines and Easter eggs and pieces wherever I can. Um, but it has. But to me, it’s like it’s a new story with the same characters. That’s sort of how I look at it.


The Boys Creator Eric Kripke on his favourite scene to date #TheBoys #TheBoysSeason4 #PrimeVideo

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That makes a lot of sense. Now, on that note, did you have an end in mind for The Boys when you started it? And if not, do you have one now, or is it constantly changing as the show goes on?

Eric Kripke: I mean, here’s what I have. I know how I want each character to end up, right? And so what I really know is whenever the final episode is when they do that thing, and it’s six months later, I know where everybody is. I don’t totally know how they get there, and I don’t think I want to know. Any showrunner that tells you they know totally is lying. I want to be surprised by the writers and the process, but I do know the direction we’re heading and where I want the story to end.

The Boys series has gone to some crazy places in the last few seasons. Is there a point where you ever thought you went too far?

Eric Kripke: Um, no. Uh, no? Um, no! I mean, you know, we do a lot of self-censorship in the writer’s room before anyone sees anything. And there always has to be a deeper reason we’re doing anything we do, either for story or character, because if it’s just gratuitous or cheap, then we won’t do it. 

Ultimately, I have to stand across from that actor and explain why we’re about to spray them with all that fluid, and I need to give them a deeper, real reason. So, no, I can I think I can mostly defend why any of this stuff exists in the show from either a story or character perspective.

Series Creator Eric Kripke On The Boys’ Past, Present &Amp; Future

Do you have a favourite scene you filmed in past seasons or The Boys Season 4, and if so, what would it be?

Eric Kripke: That’s hard to say because, you know, they’re all my kids, but I really love the Frenchie/Kimiko musical number. I mean, just in terms of what makes me smile. For as violent as the show is, I really work hard to give it a lot of heart and warmth and tenderness, and people don’t seem to see it because it’s underneath all the gore, but it’s really there. And so, to be able to just have this joyful musical number was something I really loved.

Thank you so much for your time. I’m looking forward to The Boys Season 4.

Eric Kripke: Thank you. That was great.

The Boys Season 4 premieres on Prime Video on June 13, 2024.

Brendan Frye
Brendan Frye

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