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Willow shares five things you didn’t know about her new single, “Big Feelings,” including the inspiration and personal connection behind it.

Hey, this is Willow, and these are five things that you didn’t know about my new single, “Big Feelings.”

No. 1: I shot the visual at the same place that I shot “Transparent Soul,” which is actually really crazy.

No. 2: I made the song with two of my really, really good friends — beautiful musicians Zach Tenorio and Chris Greatti.

No. 3: The composition of the song took it took a good amount of time before I could get the lyrics on, before we even did any, you know, thinking about lyrics. There was mathematics. It was like that meme. You know what I’m saying, where there’s the math.

And then No. 4: The idea of “Big Feelings” — the song title — “big feelings” was in my head for, like, a week and a half. And I had had opportunities to record that song. And every time I had an opportunity, I was like, “No, it’s not the time. No, it’s not the time.”

No. 5: “Big Feelings” is my favorite song that I’ve ever recorded to this date. It’s the craziest song, the vocals, the specific, you know, the pocket that I’m in, and just the composition is, to me, it’s just one of the best compositions that I’ve I’ve ever sang on or yeah. It’s just I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed it. And peace and love.
