Bandai Namco Entertainment Video Policy

Bandai Namco Entertainment Video Policy

Bandai Namco Entertainment appreciates that our fans enjoy our games through the sharing of gameplay videos, and we want you to continue to do so. This Bandai Namco Entertainment Video Policy (“Policy”) sets forth the rules regarding the posting, producing, sharing, or streaming of gameplay video from our games. This Policy is not intended to limit activities that are generally perceived as fan activities.
Subject to the terms of this Policy, individuals may freely share gameplay videos on online platforms for non-commercial use. In addition to this Policy, your use of gameplay videos is subject to the applicable end user license agreement, terms of service, or other terms that govern use of our games. While we may not take down gameplay videos posted in compliance with this Policy, this Policy only applies to intellectual property rights held or controlled by us.
In addition, we may provide a separate video policy for certain games. In such cases, the separate video policy will take precedence over this Policy for that game.

What does this policy cover?

This Policy covers “gameplay videos,” which means the sharing of videos, images, or audio of you playing our games on the internet.
For example, it includes sharing gameplay videos with your voice, appearance, or avatar superimposed on the video on online platforms, including but not limited to, YouTube or Twitch, as well as sharing screenshots, and stills of gameplay.

What sort of videos are allowed?

You can post gameplay videos as long as you follow this Policy.
If the gameplay video posted by you includes material which is owned by a third party (for example, characters or music), you may need to obtain permission from a third-party rights holder for the use of such material. It is possible that gameplay videos including such materials may be deleted, modified, or made private by a third party. We do not respond to any inquiry regarding the rights for any materials.

What are the rules?

All gameplay videos are subject to the following rules:

  1. If your gameplay includes parts of the game’s story, we would like you to take measures to be considerate of other fans who have not played the game yet, such as displaying “Warning: Contains Spoilers.”
  2. Only individuals, not legal entities, may produce gameplay videos.
  3. Commercial use of gameplay videos is prohibited. However, functions officially provided by the online platform that generates revenue are allowed (including YouTube partner programs and Super Chat features). Provided that we, in our sole discretion, or any third-party rights holder, may request that such revenue functions be turned off.
  4. The use of videos or images whose main objective is not to show gameplay (for example, to promote your or third party’s products) are not gameplay video, and therefore not allowed.
  5. Do not defame or infringe on our or third party’s intellectual property rights.
  6. Do not produce gameplay videos that are immoral, unethical, disgraceful or otherwise contrary to common standards of decency.
  7. Do not produce gameplay videos with intent to make political or religious claims, or hate speech.
  8. Do not falsely state, suggest, or otherwise misrepresent, explicitly or implicitly, that you are sponsored by, endorsed by, or affiliated with, us or any related parties.


  • We do not provide any warranty to you by this Policy.
  • This policy does not assign or transfer any rights contained in our games.
  • If any gameplay video violates this Policy or any related terms, as determined by us in our sole discretion, we may take measures that we deem appropriate, including, but not limited to, requesting that you and/or the platform delete such content.
  • You are responsible for any damage that may occur due to your production or use of gameplay videos, and we do not accept any responsibility.
  • This Policy is subject to change, and any gameplay made after the change will be subject to the updated Policy.
Enacted 1/26/2022


Q: Is this Policy intended to restrict gameplay videos?

A: The purpose of this Policy is to let our fans enjoy producing gameplay videos, and to contribute to the growth of the fan community. For this reason, while there are certain rules applicable to gameplay videos, this Policy is not intended to limit activities that are generally perceived as fan activities.

Q: Can you check if the gameplay video I am planning to post complies with this Policy?

A: We are unable to respond to any individual inquiries regarding whether your gameplay complies with this Policy or applicable laws.

Q: What happens to gameplay that has been posted prior to the release of this Policy?

A: Unless the gameplay video violates from this Policy, we will not object to your use of the video.

Q: I’m a celebrity/influencer who belong to a talent agency. Can I post gameplay videos?

A: You may, as a non-commercial, personal activity post gameplay videos, if you follow this Policy. However, we are unable to answer individual inquiries as to what is considered a “personal activity.” Please make your own judgment based on the content of this Policy.
However, any activity led or directed by a legal entity, such as your talent agency, is outside of the scope of this Policy. For example, it is outside of the scope of this Policy if your talent agency or a legal entity collects any of the revenue generated by your use of platform functions mentioned in “■What are the rules? 3),”.

Q: I am considering hosting an Esports tournament. Can I contact you about such tournaments?

A: You may hold a tournament as a non-commercial, personal activity, if you follow this Policy.
However, activities held, sponsored, or supported by legal entities are outside the scope of this Policy.
We would appreciate it if you would contact us at the email address below for inquiries regarding corporate Esports policies.