Axiom Verge 2 is coming to Steam on August 11

Mark your calendars and smash that wishlist button, because Axiom Verge 2 is coming to Steam in just about 5 more months!

As some of you may know, I made the decision to release the PC version of AV2 exclusively on the Epic Games Store for 1 year. It was not an easy decision, filled with pros and cons weighing heavily on both sides. I steeled myself for some review bombing or other backlash, but I couldn’t be more grateful for everyone’s understanding. It was ultimately the best decision for me and my family, and I continue to stand by it.

So here we are more than halfway into that 1-year exclusive window. AV2 has been out on PS4, Switch, and Epic for about 6 months now, and the response has been phenomenal. Like with the Epic Games Store exclusivity decision, I had made some controversial decisions with respect to the design of Axiom Verge 2 that I wasn’t sure the community would respond well to. (I know there are a lot of AV1 fans who consider Steam their primary gaming platform and are patiently waiting for the Steam release, and I don’t want to spoil anything for them so I’ll avoid going into too much detail.) I didn’t want AV2 to be AV1 with a new map and a couple extra QoL features added on. I wanted to create something that was its own thing. It feels different. It looks different. It plays different. And again, the community of Axiom Verge fans have been overwhelming in their support of this creative direction.

I am a very lucky man. Just before the launch of Axiom Verge, I was a newly wed struggling artist who had to sell his car to pay for his dog’s vet bills and whose expenses were starting to outweigh his income. Now I have a wonderful family I can support, and my job is my hobby. How many people can say that? And I owe it all to this community of Axiom Verge fans. Thank you for your continued support, and see you soon on Steam!

Thomas Happ