July 01, 2024 | Text: Markus Selinger | Antivirus for Windows
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For Windows 11: Seventeen Security Packages in the Test

No users wish to have viruses or Trojans on their Windows 11 PCs. To turn that wish into reality, it is necessary to utilize good protection software. The experts in the test lab at AV-TEST have determined in grueling tests which packages offer the best protection. In the test, each package was required to hold its own against just under 20,000 new and known attackers. It was examined whether the system watchdogs slow down Windows 11 PCs, whether they trigger many false alarms or otherwise cause annoyance. Many manufacturers have good reason to celebrate based on the latest findings. Other manufacturer teams, also including well-known names, would probably not be happy with the recorded scores.

Strong protection for Windows 11 – 17 security packages put to the test
Strong protection for Windows 11 –

17 security packages put to the test


"Who would want my data, anyway?", is a common refrain when it comes to protecting Windows. But once malware has struck and the data is gone or encrypted, that's when the wailing begins. But how severe is the danger of Windows PCs from consumer users becoming the victim of malware? Based on statistics, the danger is very severe. Because the latest count in June 2024 in the freely-accessible database from AV-TEST on AV-ATLAS was 1 billion digital malware samples. Just under 4 new attackers are added every second, on the prowl for new victims, via the web or per e-mail. Anyone who still believes there is little danger is almost beyond help. They should not be surprised if their Windows 11 PCs spread dangerous viruses and Trojans per e-mail to friends and acquaintances, are exploited to mine bitcoins or are completely encrypted by ransomware.

Seventeen Windows 11 protectors put to the test

The following 17 manufacturers participated in the latest test, which was conducted in March and April of 2024 using Windows 11 as a test platform: Avast, AVG, Avira, Bitdefender, EnigmaSoft, ESET, F-Secure, K7 Computing, Kaspersky, McAfee, Microsoft, Microworld, Norton, PC Matic, Protected.net, Quick Heal and Trend Micro. In the test, the lab always uses the most recent available versions of all these products for the test. During testing, the products are able to install online updates and query their “In the Cloud” services at all times.

The test in the lab at AV-TEST is not only tough, it is also conducted according to the AMTSO (Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization) standard. In this international organization, recognized tests are known for the fact that the test methods uphold the specified standards in terms of objectivity, quality and relevance of anti-malware tests. That is why each tests is documented with a reference number in a database.

In the test, the lab examines the protection packages of all manufacturers in the categories of protection, performance and usability. The lab experts can award up to 6 points for each test area. In the end, a product can receive up to 18 points. If a product achieves at least 17.5 points in the test, then it earns not only the "Certified" security certificate but also the accolade of TOP PRODUCT.

In the final result for this test, 11 out of 17 examined products earned the title of TOP PRODUCT. The other 6 products are also certified, but they received only 15 to 17 points.

Cybersecurity for Windows 11

Many protection packages for Windows 11 demonstrated a strong performance in the test and received the additional recognition of TOP PRODUCT. But some well-known products are also found at the end of the ranking

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Windows 11: defense against viruses, Trojans and other malware

Many of the 17 protection packages examined performed error-free in the detection test of malware under Windows. Some products did have problems with the latest digital malware samples, however

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Cybersecurity for Windows 11


Windows 11: defense against viruses, Trojans and other malware

Good protection for Windows 11

The especially important test of the products in terms of protection was conducted in two phases. In the first phase, the real-world test, the testers used over 300 new, particularly dangerous malware samples, which were collected from the Internet and from e-mails shortly prior to the test. In the second phase, the testers unleashed on the test systems their reference set, consisting of over 19,000 samples of known, but extremely dangerous malware. Both test phases were conducted once in March and once in April for all products. That is why four results are listed in the table showing the detected scores.

9 out of 17 evaluated products detected all the attackers in all test phases without exception. The packages from Avast, AVG, Bitdefender, F-Secure, Kaspersky, Microsoft, Norton, PC Matic and Trend Micro achieved a perfect rate of success with 100-percent detection. This yielded a full 6 points for all of them.

Avira, ESET, K7 Computing and McAfee each experienced a minor problem detecting the malware in one test month in one phase – the rate was around 99.1 to 99.4 percent, otherwise 100 percent. For this, they also received the maximum of 6 points.

Microworld, Protected.net and Quick Heal had some detection problems in both test months of the real-world test. Their rates ranged here between 98.0 and 99.4 percent. In the second test phase with the reference set, the products detected all attackers 100 percent. This overall performance resulted in a point deduction. Each received 5.5 out of 6 points.

While EnigmaSoft only had problems in the real-world test in both test months, these were quite severe. The detection rates were only 96.3 to 97.8 percent – that is not enough. At least the product completed the scan of the reference set error-free in each case. In the end, the product thus achieved 5 points.

Discovery of products that have too much of a load on the system

To measure the category of performance, i.e. the load on the system, the testers used a standard PC and a high-end PC without protection software, and carried out several operations: copying files, surfing websites, downloading items and installing and executing tools. The times required were written down and served as a reference. Then the testers repeated all the operations – but this time with an installed security package. The comparative additional time required yields the performance.

The test for performance was never particularly spectacular in previous tests. Nearly all the products normally performed impeccably and only put a very slight load on Windows. The fact that this test segment is, after all, a vital element is revealed by the latest results.

Avast, ESET, F-Secure, K7 Computing, Kaspersky, McAfee, Microsoft, Microworld, PC Matic and Quick Heal were so inconspicuous that they received the full 6 points.

Among the products from AVG, Avira, Bitdefender, EnigmaSoft, Protected.net and Trend Micro, a group unexpectedly materialized that generated a slightly excessive system load and had half a point taken off in the evaluation: 5.5 points each.

The package from Norton was the most conspicuous in this test. It caused significantly more system load than the other products and thus lost an entire point in the final score: 5 points.

F-Secure Total

The Finnish protection package achieved not only 6 points three times in the tests, it also detected all the malware samples 100 percent and is thus a TOP PRODUCT

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Avast Free Antivirus

The free security package for Windows 11 demonstrated error-free performance in all test phases and at 18 points is a TOP PRODUCT

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K7 Computing TotalSecurity

Achieving 18 points in the test under Windows 11, the protection package from K7 Computing belongs among the TOP PRODUCTS

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Kaspersky Plus

The Plus version from Kaspersky navigated through all dangers safely in the Windows 11 test and received 18 points and recognition as a TOP PRODUCT as a result

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Microsoft Defender Antivirus

The security program embedded in the Windows system showed no weaknesses whatsoever in the test, mastering all the test categories error-free and thus earning the full point score of 18 and the accolade of TOP PRODUCT

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McAfee Total Protection

Despite a minor glitch in detection, McAfee still achieved 18 points in the test under Windows 11 and is a TOP PRODUCT

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F-Secure Total


Avast Free Antivirus


K7 Computing TotalSecurity


Kaspersky Plus


Microsoft Defender Antivirus


McAfee Total Protection

Some packages triggered too many false alarms

The segment evaluating products for usability is normally a very tranquil test area. In the test, the lab, under the watchful eyes of the protection packages, copies over one million innocuous, executable files onto the Windows systems. Afterwards, the testers install dozens of known programs and launch them. The final step involves visiting 500 websites. All actions, file and websites are harmless and should not trigger any alarm.

In the past, one or two products occasionally sounded a dire alarm, although there was no cause to do so. In this test, it was definitely a different story:

These 12 out of the 17 protection packages responded perfectly and did not trigger any false alarms: Avast, AVG, Avira, ESET, F-Secure, K7 Computing, Kaspersky, McAfee, Microsoft, Protected.net, Quick Heal and Trend Micro. All of these products received the full 6 points.

The packages from Bitdefender, Microworld and Norton were somewhat overeager. They all blocked files or applications between 5 and roughly 10 times and quarantined them as dangerous. For these false positives, the protection packages each lost half a point: 5.5 points.

The package from EnigmaSoft responded too nervously to many files and programs, immediately putting them into strict quarantine in over 10 cases. It received only 4.5 out of 6 points. Only PC Matic caused even more false positives and with merely 4 points, it  received the largest point deduction.

Windows 11 can be protected perfectly

The final result was somewhat more mixed than in other tests. Many protection programs for Windows had some minor missteps, and a few others slipped up quite a bit here. But this ought not to distract from the fact that 7 out of the 17 security packages examined in the March and April test 2024 ended up with the top score of 18 points: They were from Avast, ESET, F-Secure, K7 Computing, Kaspersky, McAfee and Microsoft. With excellent 17.5 points, following close behind were the system watchdogs for Windows 11 from AVG, Avira, Quick Heal and Trend Micro. For this feat, all of the previously-mentioned 11 packages received additional recognition of TOP PRODUCT.

Even Windows Defender, often unjustifiably maligned, earned the accolade of TOP PRODUCT. However, many consumer users find it just not that easy to use, as it has no program interface and is a bit difficult to configure via many distributed integrated modules in Windows.

While Bitdefender achieved only 17 points, it remained error-free in the vital test category of protection. While the security packages from Norton and PC Matic also made a strong showing in terms of protection, they lost too many points in the subsequent test phases to reach a good result.

Many of the security packages evaluated here also take part in the Advanced Threat Protection tests, now being conducted regularly. In these tests, the lab team examines in 10 real scenarios how well the security products stand up step-by-step against formidable attackers such as info stealers or ransomware. The interesting factor: Even if an attacker is not detected right away, most of the protection systems have additional defense tools in their arsenal to thwart the attackers in later steps.

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