The Ashkin Group Helps You Create a Healthier, More Sustainability-Focused, Workplace Environment.

Sustainability is Good Business:

Here are More Reasons Why

Predictions from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and other government agencies predict that 2024 will have above-average hurricane activity. According to NOAA, this year's hurricane season, which spans from June 1 to November 30, has an "85 percent chance of an above-normal season (meaning we can expect more hurricanes such as Beryl in Houston], a 10% chance of a near-normal season, and a 5% chance of a below-normal season."

 As to why this is happening, NOAA explains it is due to:

A confluence of factors, including near-record warm ocean temperatures in the Atlantic Ocean, development of La Nina conditions in the Pacific, reduced Atlantic trade winds, and less wind shear, all of which tend to favor tropical storm formation.

NOAA also emphasizes that human-caused climate change is a significant factor in the increased hurricane activity. It's a global issue, warming our oceans and raising sea levels, [which] increases the risk of storm surges.

This underscores the growing importance of sustainability in business. Very simply, sustainability is good business. By adopting sustainable practices, businesses can mitigate many risks and ensure their long-term success.

What I am suggesting is that sustainability can help businesses and organizations survive the storms, recover, and move forward faster than their competitors. This should provide a sense of reassurance and security in the face of increasing climate risks.

For this to happen, businesses must take the following steps:

Know thy self. According to a recent study by Deloitte, the business consulting firm, we are living in a new reality regarding extreme weather events, sustainability, and how these will impact business operations. One of the first things businesses seeking to become more sustainability-focused must do is " know thy self" and ask themselves if they are "leaders or laggards” when it comes to sustainability. Leaders will survive in this new reality.

Plan for emergencies. The worst thing any business or organization can do this year and in future years is not plan for emergencies. This includes evacuation procedures, having internal and external communication protocols in place, backup power sources, stockpiles of essential supplies such as water, non-perishable food, and first aid kits. As to power sources, sustainable businesses should invest in renewable energy sources such as solar to maintain necessary operations.

Engage with their community. Sustainable businesses reach out during emergencies to help their employees and customers and their local community. They share resources and information. This community engagement helps enhance resilience, a key component of a sustainable business.

Supply chain resilience. Most industry sectors saw what happened when businesses and organizations depend on a single supplier for goods and products. It worked well for decades, but not in the new reality described by Deloitte. A sustainable business has a diversified supply chain, maintains sufficient supply levels, and can withstand supply chain disruptions for several months, depending on the type of business. In addition, sustainable service providers, suppliers, and distributors are aware of alternative routes to deliver goods and services. Invariably, a city's main arteries are the most impacted by hurricanes and other extreme weather events.

Natural disasters are a threat to any business. Climate change is making these events more frequent and severe. Sustainability-focused businesses are more adaptable and resilient. Sustainability helps businesses survive extreme weather events, which is a paramount reason why sustainability is good business.


Stephen P. Ashkin, founder of The Ashkin Group, is the Father of Green Cleaning and the professional cleaning industry’s leading advocate for sustainability. The Ashkin Group, LLC, is an internationally recognized consulting firm working to Green the professional cleaning industry.

Our Mission: To transform industries with responsible, sustainable business practices.

The Ashkin Group is the leading advocate for Sustainability and Green Cleaning in the professional cleaning industry.

By being leaders, we feel it is our responsibility to provide you with the latest news and resources you need to implement a sustainability strategy in your organization and enhance your Green Cleaning practices.

Together, we can make a big impact on human health, help your organization reduce costs, and protect the environment today and for future generations.


The Ashkin Group works with organizations worldwide, helping them operate more efficiently, sustainably, and reduce costs. Services include:

  • High Performance Healthy Cleaning Workshops

  • Needs Assessment

  • Sustainability Programs to Reduce Costs

  • Evaluation of Current Procedures, Products, and Equipment

  • System, Procedure, and Program Development

  • Training and Implementation

  • Procedure Documentation

  • Marketing Development and Support

  • Public Relations

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We’re always looking for new opportunities and are comfortable working internationally. Please get in touch and one of our project managers will contact you about beginning the proposal process.