Elevate Your Impact- Extended Entry Deadline is September 13th

Thank you for your interest in The Anthem Awards. Below are some of our most common questions. We hope you find the answers you’re looking for quickly but if you need additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to The Anthem Awards team.


What are the Anthem Awards?

The Anthem Awards honor all forms of social impact work happening across the globe in an effort to amplify the voices that spark global change.

The Anthem Awards accepts work across five areas of impact work including: Awareness, Fundraising, Community Engagement, Product, Innovation & Service and Team & Internal Initiatives for seven causes: Diversity Equity & Inclusion, Education Art & Culture, Health, Human & Civil Rights, Humanitarian Action & Services, Responsible Technology, and Sustainability Climate & Environment. 


What is the submission process?

The Anthem Awards accepts entries through its online entry system here. Entrants will be able to navigate through the relevant cause and categories, upload work and supporting documents and complete their entries with a very simple process. We are currently accepting entries for the 4th Annual Anthem Awards! The Early Entry Deadline is May 24th!

Key Dates

The 4th Annual Anthem Awards opened for entries on April 9th.

The Early Entry Deadline is Friday, May 24th.

How can I be sure you have received my entry?

You will see a confirmation page noting your entry number and will also receive a confirmation email acknowledging receipt of your entry. If you do not receive an email confirmation within 24 hours, please email kara@anthemawards.com.

Entry Terms and Conditions

The Anthem Awards assumes all entries are original and the entrant either owns the work or has permission from a client or other appropriate party to enter the work, with all rights granted therein. In the event that an entrant without such rights submits an entry, the entrant will not be eligible for the competition. The Anthem Awards are not liable for any copyright infringement on the part of the entrant. Submission of any entry acknowledges the right of The Anthem Awards to use it for exhibition and publication in any medium.

Timely submission of an entry meeting the eligibility requirements and payment of the entry fee as stated herein ensures that an entry will be reviewed and considered for recognition. No other representation or warranty is made by The Anthem Awards concerning entries and all implied warranties are hereby expressly disclaimed.

If an entry receives an award, the manner and details of announcing such nomination and award is strictly within the discretion of The Anthem Awards. Entrant understands that all awards may not be given or publicized in the same manner.

How can I change my entry?

You can update the project title, credits and contact information for your entry at any time by visiting https://entries.anthemawards.com/login and logging in with the information provided in your entry receipt. If you would like to change categories or edit the submission assets, please contact Kara Cleary at kara@anthemawards.com. Categories and submission assets can only be changed if the work has not yet been judged.

Do you have to be based in the United States to participate?

No. The 3rd Annual Anthem Awards received entries from more than 30 countries around the world. 

Does the entry need to be in English?

Work from around the world is eligible for submission, and our judges reflect a culturally diverse body. The Academy boasts membership from more than 30 countries. Although the work may be in different languages, the supporting materials must be in English.

Also, here are some things to consider if you are submitting digital assets in a non-English language: Websites: If there is an English version of your website, we encourage you to enter that. Video/Podcasts: Please dub or subtitle video content into English. Social: If there is an English version of your social account, we encourage you to submit that. For all non-English digital experiences, the work will be translated into English with Google Translate and judged in English.

At what point will my credit card be charged during the site submission process?

Your credit card will be charged at the end of the entry process. As we are verifying your credit card information, this process may take a minute. Please wait. Clicking the button more than once may result in double billing. If you click the “process my entry” button multiple times and are double billed as a result, email a copy of your confirmation receipt to Anthem Award Producer Kara Cleary at kara@anthemawards.com.

Can I withdraw my entry? Will I get a refund?

You may request a refund for your submission prior to the work entering the judging process. Please send an email to Marycharles@anthemawards.com to confirm eligibility for a refund. Once confirmed, refunds will be processed within 5 business days of approval. We will notify you via email once your refund is processed.

For merchandise, you may request a refund for your order prior to it being sent to the manufacturer for processing and fulfillment. Please send an email to Marycharles@anthemawards.com to confirm eligibility for refund. Once confirmed, refunds will be processed within 5 business days of approval. We will notify you via email once your refund is processed.

You can learn more on our Terms of Use page.

If, after your order is received, there is an error and/or damage to your merchandise, please contact Marycharles@anthemawards.com for further information and instructions.


How did you decide the award categories?

The Anthem Award categories were created after extensive conversations over several months with leaders across Nonprofits, foundation and purpose-driven brands. This was an interactive process with categories being constantly reviewed and receiving feedback by the community.

Are there plans to expand categories?

We review categories each season in function of what is relevant to our community, how the industry shifts and what new tools/approaches develop. Categories are reviewed annually.


Which category should I enter?

The Anthem Awards honors purpose and mission-driven work across 7 overarching causes: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Sustainability, Climate & Environment, Human & Civil Rights, Humanitarian Action & Services, Health, Education, Art & Culture and Responsible Technology. We designed categories to allow participants to choose an entry category that best fits their cause. An entry can be entered in multiple categories as appropriate. If work is entered in multiple categories, it is eligible to win multiple times. The Academy reserves the right to move entries to other categories if it is clearly appropriate to do so. Please contact the Anthem Team if you have any questions about the categories and where your work fits.

Can I enter more than one category?

Yes, you can enter your work into as many categories as you deem appropriate, and it will be evaluated separately for each instance and category it is entered. It is not uncommon for exceptional work to be honored in more than one category regardless of the area of focus.


How do you pick the judges for your competitions?

The Anthem Awards is overseen by the International Academy of the Digital Arts & Sciences. Visit The Academy Website to learn more.

Can you explain how work is judged?

You can get all of the information regarding judging and the jury process here.

Is it possible to receive the judges rating and comments for my work?

Due to the volume of entries, The Anthem Awards will not offer individual comments to its entrants.


How many entrants will win the Anthem Awards?

All work will be assessed via the lens of specific criteria that places impact and outcomes at its core. A key mission of The Anthem Awards is to provide an equal playing field for all forms of work from across companies, people and organizations and all levels of budget. To that end, there may be multiple winners per category as each piece of work will be reviewed against its own goals and impact as opposed to being judged against others.

How are the winners chosen?

Members of the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences independently inspect the entries submitted during the Call for Entries. Entries are judged on their own merits based on a standard of excellence for each category as determined by the Academy as well as industry leaders from non-profits, foundations and purpose-driven brands.

Each entry is evaluated by multiple Academy Members who provide scores based on the appropriate criteria.  The top scoring entries are determined to be Winners. A category may have multiple Winners, or none at all, depending on relevant scoring.


Who are the Anthem Awards partners? What is the role of partners?

The Anthem Awards have partnered with leading organizations that represent the breadth of causes the awards honor. These partners have been instrumental in the shaping of the categories and the curation of industry experts as judges.  And going forward, they will support the selection of grantees for the endowment, serve as insightful speakers for event programming through the season and provide fundamental insight, and at times editorial, into the causes they support. Find out more here.


What is the Anthem Awards newsletter?

Keep up with the Anthem Awards through our monthly newsletter and breaking news emails. Subscribe to the Anthem Newsletter from the homepage. You may unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions in the footer of each newsletter.

How can I sponsor The Anthem Awards?

If you are interested in being considered as a sponsor of The Webby Awards, contact Alex McGrath at alex@webbyawards.com.

Can I rent the list of Anthem entrants or Winners?

No. We do not rent or sell our entrant or winner lists.