Persuading Executives Using Effective Digital Marketing Data Presentation Techniques (401) (Half Day)

Digital Analytics Mastery Program 401
(Half Day Workshop)

Workshop Description
Despite its pervasiveness, data analytics is still a mysterious “black box” to many marketers. Rows and columns of numbers that are supposed to somehow inform marketing tactics often lack the related insights necessary to drive business decisions. Too many times, campaigns are stunted and go off-track because marketers either prioritize the wrong metrics or misunderstand the combination of tactics, channel allocation, and data.

In this workshop, we look at what can be the most difficult of all skills for working with data: presenting a persuasive case for action to senior-level decision makers. Many times, in proving a case for change, or presenting data that conflicts with traditional thinking, the marketer can be seen as a subversive party to executive goals. This workshop teaches you as the marketer how to navigate those expectations and present your data in a persuasive manner that aligns positively with business objectives.

Participants will walk away with a framework for presenting information as a report, or information as a proposal. Faculty show attendees how to develop an analysis of a given situation or campaign, assess the audience, and draft the best proposal. Participants also discuss the human factors behind effective data presentation [e.g., how to speak to your target audience and keep them engaged]. Finally, participants look at what happens if the result is a no and discuss deciding factors on whether to regroup or scrap the idea altogether. The session will end with attendees making a data presentation to the group for assessment and feedback.

This is the final installment in the ANA’s four-part series on digital marketing analytics, where participants learn core characteristics and best practices of effective digital analytics for marketing.

Building on installments 101-301, participants now learn to extract actionable insights from complex data sets and present them in a way that guides decision-makers towards a specific outcome.

Who is this workshop for?
This workshop is for any intro-to-mid level sales or digital marketing professional, across all channels. Those who are tasked with executing marketing plans, automated communications, CRM marketing, programs and tactics, as well as those responsible for strategic planning and budgeting will benefits from this workshop.

This workshop is useful for those wishing to combine analysis skills with their ‘soft skills’ to have more influence within an organization. This combination is one of the most in-demand attributes within companies. Those that can turn data into action by not only reading and interpreting the numbers, but also creating momentum within an organization are able to influence campaigns, develop new initiatives, and create better customer experiences to drive growth for the organization.

Workshop Benefits
The benefits of attending this workshop fall under the following key drivers of growth: improving marketing effectiveness, increasing marketing efficiency and maximizing marketing ROI.

This workshop helps attendees improve marketing effectiveness by teaching them:

  • How to influence others by understanding their emotional needs
  • How to communicate for influence, even without authority
  • How to adjust presentations and persuasion arguments based on the audience
  • How to respond to objections with opportunities

This workshop helps attendees increase marketing efficiency by teaching them:

  • How to develop appropriate data visuals to get your point across
  • How to attribute business value to marketing activities
  • How to tie your data to key company metrics and stakeholder goals in order to persuade key stakeholders
  • How to eliminate unnecessary data and clutter from reports

This workshop helps attendees maximize marketing ROI by teaching them:

  • How to identify, calculate, and best communicate the cost of inaction
  • How to move away from percentages and instead demonstrate actual monetary value and business value to decision makers using their language
  • How to estimate the business impact of opportunities identified in the customer journey, along with the investment required

Download the full agenda here


  • Temitayo Osinubi

    T. Osinubi is the Co-Founder and CEO of STEM Whisperers; a disruptive education consulting company built to replace the school-to-prison pipeline with Marketing Technology (MarTech) careers.
