Leading Effective Teams Mastery Program

 The ANA Marketing Training & Development Center’s Mastery Programs advance your marketing team’s capabilities in key disciplines by strategically addressing talent needs, sharpening existing skills, and putting new ideas to work immediately.

Our Mastery Programs are designed to be flexible and fit your schedule and budget. These programs can be delivered over two full days or as a series of independent half-day workshops.

Learn best practices to ensure successful leadership and employee wellbeing, tied to productivity and growth. The ANA Leading Effective Teams Mastery Program will provide your people leaders with key skills to drive employee engagement and retention, foster collaboration and teamwork, increase productivity and innovation… and lead to higher profitability over time.

Leading Across the Generations (In Person) (Virtual)

  • Improve employee engagement and retention
  • Foster collaboration, teamwork, and innovation
  • Understand the needs and preferences of different generations and create a work environment that meets the diverse needs of your employees

Maximize Productivity through Effective Employee Engagement (In Person) (Virtual)

  • Increase productivity
  • Reduce turnover
  • Boost your firm’s profitability

Excelling Under Pressure (In Person) (Virtual) (BURST)

  • Develop resilience and effectively navigate high pressure situations
  • Foster team cohesion
  • Communicate effectively during critical decision-making processes
  • Adapt and innovate through changing circumstances

Enhancing Wellbeing and Productivity in the Workplace (In Person) (Virtual)

  • Understand the link between wellbeing and performance
  • Uncover the keys for H.A.P.P.I.N.E.S.S. (nine essential elements that contribute to an effective workplace culture)
  • Discover the transformative process of H.A.P.P.I.N.E.S.S.–driven growth and its impact on productivity

Download the full agenda here


  • Stan Phelps

    Stan Phelps, CSP® is the founder of StanPhelpsSpeaks.com, a consultancy that works with organizations to win the hearts of their customers and employees. He is also a TEDx Speaker, the author of 18 books, and a former Forbes contributor. His work today is focused on the value of customer experience as a competitive differentiator and the importance of employee engagement in building a strong corporate culture.
