Integrated Marketing Execution for Effective Brand Management (Virtual Open Enrollment)

Effective Brand Management Mastery Program 401
(Virtual Half Day Workshop)

Research suggests that the highest performing companies link everything that they do to their brand purpose. Most marketing teams find it challenging to execute their plan across multiple touchpoints in a way which is seamless for the customer.

This workshop is focused on the practicalities of integrated marketing execution. We will explore techniques for ensuring a joined-up approach across the organization, study examples of best practice and tools for measurement, and learn techniques for breaking down silos to drive results. The workshop culminates with attendees applying the learnings to a real-world example for their own organization.

This workshop is the first in ANA’s four-part series titled Effective Brand Management Mastery Program, designed to help you understand how to build a more effective brand, drive value, and engage customers in long term relationships. Previous participation in the ANA workshop “Integrated Marketing Planning for Effective Brand Management” is a requirement for taking this workshop.

Target Audience
This virtual workshop is for marketers at all levels that want to improve the effectiveness of their marketing planning and get greater impact for their investment.

Virtual Workshop Benefits
The benefits of attending this workshop fall under the following key drivers of growth:

This workshop helps attendees improve marketing effectiveness by teaching them:

  • How to identify what integrated execution looks like and how it can be implemented
  • How to ensure tactical execution is customer centric

This workshop helps attendees increase marketing efficiency by teaching them:

  • How to develop tactics that will work across multiple channels
  • How to take marketing beyond just communication-based tactics and think about the broader customer experience

This workshop helps attendees improve marketing ROI by teaching them:

  • How integrated marketing drives up your ROI
  • Techniques for ‘sweating the assets’ across multiple channels

 Download the full agenda here


  • Simon Bradley

    Simon is an international marketing leader with extensive client side experience with brands like Virgin Atlantic Airways, the New York Knicks, The Rockettes and Madison Square Garden. He is also an Adjunct Professor in Integrated Marketing at New York University.
