Implicit Bias; Explicit Results (Virtual)

Tools to Foster a More Inclusive Workplace
(Virtual Half Day Workshop)

Implicit bias is costly: employees that perceive and experience bias are 3x more likely to leave their current job within a year, and 2.5x more likely to feel unempowered to share innovations and solutions, costing the industry billions of dollars each year. ¹ Meanwhile, companies that boast diverse boards and executive teams outperform competitors by 33%. ² And yet, while many recognize the need to address bias and improve diversity and inclusion in their own organizations, many professionals feel ill-equipped to recognize and address their personal and organizational blind spots.

Implicit Bias, Explicit Results is a three-hour virtual workshop focused on helping participants increase awareness around their own unconscious bias and gain strategies for reducing the effect of bias in the workplace. Through engaging and highly interactive discussions, polls, and exercises, participants develop trust while better understanding how their actions can be shaped by implicit, unfair, or uninformed habits of thought.

In addition to leading a candid discussion on implicit bias and how it can affect employees on a personal and systemic level, facilitator also guides participants in identifying areas of opportunity for change within their own organization(s). Upon conclusion of the workshop, participants will have contributed to and walk away with short-, mid-, and long-term goals to address areas of potential bias and improve diversity and inclusion in their own organization(s).

Target Audience
This workshop is useful for teams (or individuals at any level) that want to foster an environment of inclusion in the workplace, that understand biases exist and can be changed, and that want to contribute to a professional environment where ideas and talent are harnessed to drive team effectiveness, creativity, and growth.

This workshop is particularly useful for those who want to take the discussion around bias one step further, look inward, and identify opportunities to overcome impacts of bias within their own sphere of influence and their organization(s).

Virtual Workshop Benefits
The benefits of attending this workshop fall under the following key drivers of growth: improving marketing effectiveness, increasing marketing efficiencies, and improving employee satisfaction/reducing turnover.

This workshop helps attendees improve marketing effectiveness by teaching them:

  • How invisible systems of privilege create unequal workplace experiences.

This workshop helps attendees increase marketing efficiency by teaching them:

  • Strategies for identifying and addressing personal bias that limits performance.

This workshop helps attendees improve employee satisfaction and reduce employee turnover by teaching them:

  • Strategies for creating inclusive solutions for employee engagement.
  • Strategies for cultivating an inclusive culture and supporting team members of diverse or minoritized backgrounds.

Download the full agenda here


  • Jeraul Mackey

    Jeraul Mackey Training and Development is a consultancy Jeraul created to help creative organizations implement equity-centered processes in the workplace. Jeraul is a Harvard-trained facilitator who has worked with leading marketing and communications companies throughout the country.
