Got Bias? How to Develop a Mindset of Inclusion in the Workplace (Virtual Open Enrollment)

(Virtual Half Day Workshop)

Recent events and deeper realizations about the lived experiences of people of color and other marginalized groups have sparked a wave of conversations about racism, inequity, and social justice around the world. These discussions are happening at work, in social media, and with friends and family. People are talking about it, feeling it, and showing a genuine desire to educate themselves on how to be inclusive with those who are different—regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.

Inequity and bias can be uncomfortable and a bit scary to talk about, but together we can tackle it head on. We invite you to join us in an interactive and engaging virtual training experience that will include activities to help you examine your personal biases and help you build on the skills of self-awareness and self-management—so you can become a champion in your organization and inspire a culture of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. This training session will guide you through self-reflection in a welcoming space and give you applicable tools to begin the journey of making a lasting impact in your workplace and beyond.

In this training, we will:

  • Establish a common language for speaking about diversity
  • Examine the impact of unconscious bias and first steps to overcoming it
  • Share two simple (but not always easy) tools you can use to show authentic allyship with those who are most affected by social injustice
  • Provide a list of resources to help you become a champion for D&I in the workplace and create an environment where all can thrive

Join us for an open and honest conversation—to empower an empathetic mindset that sparks a change in behavior, encourages others, and promotes a culture of diversity & inclusion.

Target Audience
This workshop is designed for professionals at all organizational levels who want to better understand how to contribute to and support an environment of inclusivity in the workplace.

Virtual Workshop Benefits
This virtual workshop will improve individual and team performance and drive business growth by helping participants in the following ways:

  • This workshop helps attendees improve employee alignment and collaboration by
    • Providing a safe and open opportunity to discuss issues of diversity
    • Helping employees understand bias – what it is and what it isn’t – and how to address it
    • Providing a list of resources to help you become a champion for D&I in the workplace and create an environment where all can thrive

Download the full agenda here


  • Kisha Dixon

    As a training leader, public speaker, and culture change agent, Kisha Dixon, has seen leadership defined numerous ways over the years. With over 25 years of experience designing and facilitating behavior-based sales, coaching, and leadership solutions, Kisha's approach is refreshingly unique. She recognizes that identifying the specific rhythms in an organization’s culture is the key to creating visible, empowering leadership, and culture change.
