Developing an Effective Multicultural Marketing Strategy (Half Day)

Deliver Authentic, Culturally Competent, and Compelling Campaigns
(Half Day Workshop)

Workshop Description
It is increasingly difficult to define and communicate clear, compelling marketing messages that both stand out while also rising above the clutter in today’s progressively challenging communications environment. When marketing to multicultural communities, the challenges increase exponentially and require culturally competent and authentic messaging to effectively resonate.

Simply put, marketing to multicultural communities involves building rapport, employing an array of insights, perspectives, and cross-cultural conversations to inform marketing strategies, creating audience-based communications and using nontraditional distribution channels to achieve greater effectiveness and results.

With the rapidly evolving demographic changes and their global economic impacts, marketers must understand and embrace multicultural communities, enhance their knowledge of the fallacies, filters, and message frames that can impede multicultural marketing campaign effectiveness, and understand how to address them in order to authentically engage their audiences and build rapport while optimizing media spend and driving sales.

In this workshop, participants will explore multicultural marketing obstacles, best practices, and successful campaigns to help shape their own multicultural strategy. Participants also will develop an actionable plan to transform future campaign strategy and enhance results.

Who is this workshop for?
This workshop is for marketers at any level responsible for the development, management, or execution of marketing strategies and campaigns. It is particularly useful for:

  • Individual marketers at any level looking to understand the key components of multicultural marketing strategy
  • Brands and marketing teams that are newer to multicultural marketing, and want to ensure they are applying appropriate multicultural strategies and methodologies to ensure culturally competent, authentic, and effective campaigns
  • Brands with existing multicultural marketing campaigns that are looking to audit their existing strategy to ensure a lens of diversity is applied from the top down

Workshop Benefits
The benefits of attending this workshop fall under the following key drivers of growth: improving marketing effectiveness, increasing marketing efficiencies and maximizing marketing return on investment.

This workshop helps attendees improve marketing effectiveness by teaching them to:

  • Detect and understand cross-cultural fallacies, filters, and message frames that can hinder resonant, culturally competent, and effective multicultural marketing campaigns.
  • Gain genuine audience insights by cultivating cross-cultural conversations that inform marketing strategies and enhance campaign effectiveness.
  • Increase brand awareness and build rapport with multicultural communities.

This workshop helps attendees increase marketing efficiency by teaching them to:

  • Understand the DNA (fundamental and unique characteristics) of successful multicultural marketing campaigns.
  • Build effective strategies that deliver multicultural marketing messages through audience segmentation and the best distribution channels.
  • Understand the importance of imagery, content, and context to increase authenticity and cultural competency.

This workshop helps attendees maximize marketing return on investment by teaching them to:

  • Streamline marketing spend by understanding how to identify the appropriate multicultural marketing channel mix.
  • Transform marketing efforts to move beyond representation to authentic campaigns that build brand loyalty.
  • Develop an action plan that will enhance future marketing campaigns, align business objectives, and deliver culturally competent messages.

This workshop helps attendees improve employee alignment and collaboration by teaching them to:

  • Assess and navigate the organizational culture to bolster internal and agency collaborations.
  • Understand the importance of identifying key internal stakeholders and socializing the campaign for enhanced receptivity.


Download the full agenda here


  • Renee Walker

    Renée T. Walker is an award-winning brand, marketing and communications executive who honed her expertise through executive positions with multimillion and billion-dollar brands in the private, public and nonprofit sectors.
