How to Develop a Focused and Effective Business Strategy (Full Day)

(Full Day Workshop)

Time is wasted and productivity is impaired because marketers do not effectively communicate how marketing investments help a company achieve its business strategy. This is most true in sales and engineering led organizations where marketers and marketing campaigns may be greeted with skepticism. Frequently, one key problem is that marketers are unable to communicate the differences between a business strategy and a marketing strategy, exacerbating the distrust. In other companies, where marketing is viewed as a key driver of business success, as is the case with CPG or Pharma, poor business planning will always hurt profits no matter how well a marketing campaign is executed.

This workshop is designed to help you to understand the ingredients of a credible and competitive business strategy. This workshop will provide you with a proven framework that illustrates how best in class companies apply business-centric principles to build a competitive advantage. The workshop is full of exercises that will show you how to apply the ingredients so that you and your team will get hands-on experience and a wireframe strategy that will speed the development or refinement of your own business strategy.

As a result of the content and exercises in this workshop, participants will learn how to clearly articulate and document the business value of marketing and the differences between business and marketing strategy. This workshop shows you how to demonstrate that marketing is a critical factor in any business’ profitability.

Who Is This Workshop For?

This workshop is for business professionals that want to better align marketing with the business strategy or those that lead the business strategy. This includes:

  • Business unit leaders and their key team members who want to learn how to develop or how to enhance their business strategy (in any unit, not just marketing)
  • Anyone in the unit who can benefit from and contribute to helping the unit create an effective business strategy
  • Anyone looking for a business strategy framework that may also be applied to create an effective marketing strategy or plan

Workshop Benefits

The benefits of attending this workshop fall under the following key drivers of growth: improving business effectiveness, increasing business efficiencies, and maximizing business ROI

This workshop helps attendees improve business effectiveness by teaching them:

  • The elements and frameworks of competitive business strategy 
  • Insights into how to handle or leverage environmental influences
  • Executional best practices
  • The ability to articulate marketing’s alignment with business strategy to key stakeholders.

This workshop helps attendees increase business efficiency by teaching them:

  • An easy to follow process that speeds business strategy development 
  • How to minimize the time needed to win support for your marketing from internal partners 
  • The key elements that help teams align and focus on what is most important to the business

This workshop helps attendees improve business ROI by teaching them:

  • To make better business decisions that eliminate wasteful marketing (or other) investments in favor of those that best support the business objectives
  • How to create a more focused and satisfied workforce via improved team alignment, reducing employee turnover

Download the full agenda here



  • Mitchell Goozé

    Mitchell Goozé is a principal with the Customer Manufacturing Group, a leading marketing/sales process management consultancy. He is a member of the ANA Faculty and was named Marketing Speaker of the Year. Mitchell teaches our Strategic Marketing, Aligning Marketing with Sales and Customer Centricity Workshops.
