Creative Briefing Mastery Program

The ANA Marketing Training & Development Center’s Mastery Programs advance your marketing team’s capabilities in key disciplines by addressing strategic talent needs, sharpening skills, and putting new ideas to work immediately.

Our Mastery Programs are designed to be flexible and fit your team’s needs and budget. These programs can be delivered over multiple days or as a series of independent half- and full-day workshops.

A recent global survey on briefs and briefing revealed that marketers believe their briefs are clear, focused, and inspiring… and that their creative partners disagree. The gap in perception was significant: a spread of 70%. This intensive program addresses this gap head-on to remedy deficient skills so that clients and agencies can produce better work with better results in fewer rounds.

Your team will master:

- The elements of a winning brief
- How to write a brief that inspires your creative partners to come up with ‘The Big Idea’
- The elements of a successful briefing delivery (as important as the brief itself!)
- Effective creative review; and
- Public speaking essentials for delivering successful briefings and reviews to creative

What An Inspired Creative Brief Looks Like (In Person) (Virtual)

  • Understand brief-writing headaches
  • Examine outstanding creative briefs and the resulting creative
  • Practice deducing and writing briefs

How To Write An Inspired Creative Brief (In Person)

  • Learn and practice a multi-step framework for creative brief writing that makes the creative team say “I Get It!”
  • Write your brief

How To Write A Single-Minded Proposition (In Person) (Virtual)

  • Learn why SMPs are important, and how they support the brief
  • Understand how SMPs have enhanced leading ads
  • Examining the ingredients of an inspiring Single-Minded Proposition to improve writing from your own people

Strategies for an Inspired Creative Briefing (In Person) (Virtual)

  • Learning the keys to effective and inspiring brief presentations
  • Making the process of creative briefing relevant and team-focused
  • Clarifying brand understanding to elevate employees and creative partners to become brand advocates

Speaking Essentials for an Inspired Creative Briefing (In Person) (Virtual)

  • Learn the skills to support inspiring briefing presentations
  • How to be a more confident speaker
  • How to overcome nerves, listen with intention and think on your feet

 Download the full agenda here


  • Howard Ibach

    Howard Ibach is an author, essayist, adjunct college instructor, workshop leader and public speaker. In 2009, his critically acclaimed text, How To Write An Inspired Creative Brief, was ranked #7 on’s “Top 10 Advertising Books You Absolutely Must Read.” In 2015, the 2nd edition earned the #1 spot on this list.
