The Purpose Advantage: Unlocking the Power of Purpose for Your Brand (Half Day)

(Half Day Workshop)

We are in a new era of brand building. As the rules of this era are being written, it’s paramount that marketers understand and align on how to differentiate their brand and drive revenue. In this crowded marketplace, meeting strong standards in the four P’s is the cost of entry. Brand purpose — the 5th P – which the ANA defines as a brand’s reason to exist beyond profit, is playing an increasing role in the decision-making of modern consumers. But many brands are struggling to arrive at a brand purpose that will ignite the hearts and minds of customers and their workforce while honoring the brand’s history and reflecting its organic ethos.

In this interactive workshop, you will engage in a series of exercises and carefully selected case studies designed to teach you four key frameworks for uncovering, and pressure testing or evolving your brand purpose.

Important Note: For best outcomes, your company may be asked to reimburse for the travel costs of two presenters for this workshop. You will be notified well in advance if this is the case for you.

Who is this workshop for?

Brand Managers, Marketers, and Communications Directors – looking to better understand how to arrive at brand purpose and enhance or develop unifying internal strategies and external communications.

Workshop Benefits

The benefits of attending this workshop fall under the following key drivers of growth: improving brand strategic intent and improving customer preference and engagement.

This workshop helps attendees improve brand strategic intent, future state vision and marketing impact by teaching them:

  • The role that purpose plays in driving brand preference with customers and the resulting impact on business objectives
  • How to develop a brand purpose that will unite their organization in action and align their marketing communications efforts

This workshop helps attendees improve customer preference and engagement by teaching them:

  • How purpose can help brands connect with customers, improve engagement, and drive revenue inspiring the brand narrative and brand actions that are memorable and meaningful

Download the full agenda here


  • Jeff Fromm

    Jeff Fromm is a subject matter expert and professional speaker on consumer trends and brand strategy. He is a contributing writer for Forbes and author of four books: “Marketing to Millennials,” “Millennials with Kids,” “Marketing to Gen Z” and “The Purpose Advantage” (September 2019).
