Build Your Marketing Plan in a Day (Full Day)

(Full Day Workshop)

Workshop Description
In today’s ever-evolving business landscape, the role of marketing stands at the forefront of organizational success. Yet aligning across the various business objectives and working silos facing the marketing organization can prove challenging without a clear plan or process. Marketers that can deploy a proven planning process stand to be much more effective drivers of business value, communicating the key objectives and milestones of successful initiatives and achieving brand lift and growth.

This intensive workshop provides a practical framework for developing a robust marketing plan that will drive value for your organization. It is focused on three marketing horizons of demand generation, building brand equity, and delivering customer value in a step-by-step process that delivers against business goals. The workshop will combine the use of real-life examples, well established marketing frameworks, and breakout exercises. A practical, hands-on marketing planning template is provided as part of the workshop and participants will use it to build their own marketing plan during the day.

Key areas covered by the workshop:

  • How to succeed in today's marketing environment
  • Insight-led marketing and robust situational analysis
  • Defining your target audience effectively in B2C and B2B
  • Positioning your brand to win
  • Translating business goals into meaningful marketing objectives
  • Best practices in messaging
  • Choosing the right tactics and building integrated campaigns
  • How to measure impact

As the workshop concludes, a summary of key learnings is presented, followed by a group exercise to distill takeaways from the session. The workshop wraps up with a discussion on next steps, empowering participants to apply their newfound knowledge to elevate their marketing strategies in an ever-changing business landscape.

Who is this Workshop for?
This workshop is ideal for marketers that are responsible for creating a marketing plan. It is particularly useful for marketers that do not have an existing planning framework or process.

Workshop Benefits
The benefits of attending this workshop fall under the following key drivers of growth: improving marketing effectiveness, increasing marketing efficiencies, and maximizing marketing ROI.

This workshop helps attendees improve marketing effectiveness by teaching them:

  • How to develop a robust planning process that can be used on an annual basis
  • How to align a marketing plan to business goals
  • The application of robust insights and situational analysis
  • The importance of establishing clear outcomes from marketing
  • The importance of features vs. benefits messaging

This workshop helps attendees increase marketing efficiency by teaching them:

  • How to segment their audience
  • How to think about and manage brand touch points
  • The importance of delivering an integrated approach to tactical execution

This workshop helps attendees improve marketing ROI by teaching them:

  • How to optimize audience targeting
  • How to drive value from the brand
  • To maximize the impact of their brand and make maximum use of all touchpoints
  • How to choose the right marketing tactics

Download the full agenda here


  • Simon Bradley

    Simon is an international marketing leader with extensive client side experience with brands like Virgin Atlantic Airways, the New York Knicks, The Rockettes and Madison Square Garden. He is also an Adjunct Professor in Integrated Marketing at New York University.
