Align B2B Marketing with Business Needs (201) (Half Day)

B2B Marketing Mastery Program 201
(Half Day Workshop)

Workshop Description
One of the toughest challenges that B2B marketers face is organizational fit. Other departments often don’t understand what Marketing does inside its silo; neither do executives. When Marketing, Sales, the C-suite and subject matter experts (SMEs) get aligned, it clears your path to success for B2B marketing.

To demonstrate the alignment of marketing with the needs of the business, utilize this workshop to co-create your marketing strategy on one page. Start with business objectives and goals – then build a set of marketing strategies and metrics that align with identified business needs. By inviting others to participate in strategy, you gain deep buy-in and foster a wider understanding of Marketing’s key role.

In this half day workshop, you will learn how to align a successful B2B marketing strategy with the overall business goals, to help drive marketing success:

  • Align Marketing across the organization. Build a big tent and engage all your key decision-makers to co-create your marketing foundation. Foster a culture that supports marketing’s focus on driving growth.
  • Frame a one-page marketing strategy. Focus on metrics that enable Marketing performance to improve over time and highlight how Marketing contributes to profitable growth.
  • Create a clear, consistent, compelling marketing message to differentiate your brand. Your message must quickly answer buyers’ key question -- what’s in it for me (WIIFM)? – by establishing your value proposition and giving buyers three reasons to believe. Learn to use a simple visual tool called a Message Map to create a 7-second message that hooks your audience.

This is the second in a 5-part series, the ANA B2B Marketing Mastery Program, designed to improve overall B2B marketing proficiency through broad exposure to all facets and levels of B2B Marketing. Participants who complete the entire program master the key stages to successful B2B (or B2B2C) marketing including demand gen, ABM, sales enablement, content marketing, subscription marketing and more.

Pre-requisite: Participants must complete Level 101 of the ANA’s B2B Marketing Mastery Program (or have equivalent on-the-job knowledge) prior to taking this workshop.

Who is this workshop for?
The B2B Marketing Mastery curriculum is designed for all levels of marketing staff in B2B and hybrid B2B/B2C companies. Its value is best realized when the entire team delivering marketing participates in the workshops together.

Workshop Benefits
The benefits of attending this workshop fall under the following key drivers of growth: improving marketing effectiveness, increasing marketing efficiencies, and maximizing marketing ROI.

This workshop helps attendees improve marketing effectiveness by teaching them how to:

  • Align marketing with the strategic needs of the business.
  • Apply B2B marketing best practice theory from real-world case studies.

This workshop helps attendees increase marketing efficiency by teaching them:

  • A framework for consistent B2B marketing that enables faster alignment and a more consistent, strategic approach to problem-solving.

This workshop helps attendees improve marketing ROI by teaching them:

  • How to align marketing strategies and metrics with business objectives and goals, so marketing executes and produces the expected business results.

Download the full agenda here


  • George Stenitzer

    George Stenitzer founded Crystal Clear Communications in 2014 to create inventive answers to marketing challenges. The Content Marketing Institute named George Content Marketer of the Year and BtoB magazine twice named him a Best Marketer. George teaches Content Marketing.
