Achieving Breakthrough Results with Word of Mouth Marketing (Full Day)

(Full Day Workshop)

Workshop Description
Competition is intense, customers are numbed by the noise of pervasive messaging, media is fragmented, and technology is constantly changing. In this world, brands struggle to find a strategy that can drive their business growth.

One human behavior persists through all change and is as old as recorded history. People trust recommendations from people. Word of mouth marketing (WOMM) seeks to tap into the essential power of recommendation and a WOMM strategy may be your key to achieving breakthrough results for your brand.

As an ANA member, you have a rare opportunity to spend time with a word of mouth marketing pioneer, Ted Wright, founder of the Fizz Agency. Through first-hand experiences, case studies, and hands-on exercises, you have the opportunity to learn relevant and applicable skills that will enable you to better break-through the noise of our competitive world by leveraging the power of human recommendations.

This engaging, interactive workshop is packed with individual and team exercises, creative examples of WOMM success, and case histories. Each participant will receive a workbook suitable for developing their own word of mouth strategy through the course of the workshop. There will be lots of opportunities for discussion and feedback from a WOMM expert.

At the end of this workshop, you and your team will leave with a WOMM blueprint that can be immediately built upon to begin your WOMM success.

Who is this workshop for?
This workshop is for brands that want to innovate to stimulate growth; it is not for brands that are averse to trying new things because WOMM marketing if different and frequently misunderstood.

The workshop is designed for mid- to senior-level managers involved in marketing and advertising strategy. It is a great introduction for those looking for inspiration and solutions beyond common techniques.

Due to Federal regulations, this workshop is not for pharmaceutical marketers that distribute prescription drug brands; this workshop is suitable for OTC brands.

Workshop Benefits
The benefits of attending this workshop fall under the following key drivers of growth: improving marketing effectiveness, increasing marketing efficiencies, and driving ROI with new creative approaches.

This workshop helps attendees improve marketing effectiveness by teaching them:

  • The data-based business case for WOMM
  • Foundational and practical principles of WOMM
  • Battle-tested strategies that can work for your business today

This workshop helps attendees increase marketing efficiency by teaching them:

  • How to create word of mouth activations even in companies with small budgets
  • Why WOMM is the essential replacement for many traditional ad forms, direct marketing, and even social media 
  • Insights into the true nature of influence marketing and the wisdom of leveraging the influencers all around you

This workshop helps attendees drive ROI with new creative approaches by teaching them:

  • A simple process to discern the essential and authentic story for any business
  • Relevant techniques for creating conversations that spread and convert
  • How to prompt conversations through activations

Download the full agenda here


  • Ted Wright

    Ted Wright has been at the forefront of word of mouth marketing since he helped reignite the Pabst Blue Ribbon brand in 2000. A 20-year marketing veteran and an alumnus of Booz Allen Hamilton, Ted also holds an M.B.A. with honors from The University of Chicago.
