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  • A CMO’s Guide to Unlocking the Potential of Human-Centered AI

    Leading Edge   July 25, 2024  

    As digital experiences continue to influence how brands interact with consumers, paradoxically, human experiences are more critical than ever to building the strong emotional connections required to secure purchase and loyalty.

  • Programmatic Advertising for Election Campaigns

    Leading Edge   July 24, 2024  

    The landscape of election campaigning has evolved dramatically since the last cycle, with programmatic access transforming how campaigns connect with voters. Gone are the days of being limited to upfront TV buys and local radio stations. Now, with programmatic advertising, campaign managers have unprecedented control and flexibility throughout the election cycle, plus the ability to leverage data to drive better results.

  • Innovative Engagement Strategies for Entertainment Advertising

    Leading Edge   July 23, 2024  

    In an over-saturated market with limitless viewing options, the entertainment industry faces a formidable challenge: How can a new release stand out and become a blockbuster rather than a flop? Traditional formats and strategies, once reliable, now falter in the face of evolving audience behaviors and fragmented platforms.

  • Pathways to Transparent Media: The Old Blame Game No Longer Applies

    Leading Edge   July 19, 2024  

    The past decade of our industry has been rife with headlines detailing egregious brand safety scandals and mind-blowing levels of wasted ad spend. The inevitable villain in these stories? Digital platforms like Meta and Google, not to mention the myriad ad tech vendors that comprise the digital supply chain.

  • How Curation Solutions Supercharge Media Buying and Advertising Strategies

    Leading Edge   July 18, 2024  

    As the digital advertising industry transforms with the ongoing phase-out of third-party cookies, advertisers are forced to adapt their strategies to accurately target the right audiences with their campaigns. In an evolving landscape such as this, data providers have appeared as key players, offering advertisers access to valuable consumer insights.

  • Level Up Your B2B Game: Social Media Tactics That Drive Serious Results

    Leading Edge   July 17, 2024  

    Throughout 2024 and into 2025, B2B social media ad spend is predicted to grow even while growth in other channels plateaus. As social media platforms become indispensable for reaching today's B2B buying committees, brands must adapt their strategies to stay ahead of the curve. Here, we’ll dive into some practical, proven strategies to level up your B2B marketing game with paid social media marketing.

  • Want a Successful Business Transformation? Build the Right Marketing Team

    Leading Edge   July 16, 2024  

    Whether they are fueled by the promise of AI and other technologies, responding to the demands of the evolving economy, or aiming to turn around tired businesses, many leaders are scrambling these days to transform companies and reinvent their brands.

  • Measure Up: Incremental Versus Ad-Attributed Sales

    Leading Edge   July 15, 2024  

    Consider a consumer searching for sunscreen in May. She may begin with a general search for products to protect against the sun. She may see an ad for a product on TikTok or Instagram, before researching, and ultimately purchasing the product, when it goes on sale from Amazon. What part of the customer journey can be ultimately attributed for her purchase?

  • The Test & Learn Mindset

    Leading Edge   July 12, 2024  

    Mastering the art of personalization is the big difference-maker in this era of digital marketing, where consumers expect “tailored” experiences. In the spirit of pop culture icon Taylor Swift, we’ve re-mixed some of our marketing insights to some of her chart-topping song lyrics.

  • As Marketers Experiment with Gen AI, New Applications Emerge

    Leading Edge   July 11, 2024  

    The emergence of generative AI is the defining feature of 2023 and 2024, in both a broad cultural context as well as within the world of data-driven marketing. Initially, like many other trends, marketers gravitated towards gen AI’s most apparent initial applications — copywriting, research, and image generation. But as this year unfolded, a shift occurred. Marketers began to recognize and harness less obvious applications of gen AI, marking a significant evolution that we can expect to carry forward.

  • AI Is Great, But What Does It Mean I Have to Actually Do as a CMO?

    Leading Edge   July 10, 2024  

    You would need to have been on Mars to avoid the onslaught of news stories and startup launches in the AI space, but there remains a paucity of good perspective on the implications for marketing. Technology has become an extension of humans for many years starting with the personal computer evolving to the www and then the smartphone. AI is no different but arguably represents a more fundamental and tectonic shift as it is not purely behavioral, it is a new form of intelligence, meaning limitless applications.

  • Agencies Should Always Act in the Clients' Best Interest

    Leading Edge   July 9, 2024  

    Client/agency relationships were once predicated on the concept of a principal-agent relationship, where the agency had a fiduciary duty to act in their clients’ best interest. When this concept was the accepted practice, most client/ agency agreements reinforced this expectation.

  • The Olympics: A Real-Time Celebration of Unity and Excellence

    Leading Edge   July 8, 2024  

    In a world that seems more divided than ever, there is one event that stands as a beacon of unity and excitement — the Olympics. For brands, it represents the most compelling branding opportunity a brand can want.

  • Navigating the Complicated Relationship Between Social Media Users, Platforms, and Marketers

    Leading Edge   July 5, 2024  

    People reducing their social media usage is the most recent trend in the ongoing complex – and often convoluted – relationship between social media users, platforms and marketers. Yet the majority of those on social media aren’t deactivating their accounts or deleting them entirely, they’re just starting to use social media differently.

  • What’s on Retailers’ Minds? Chromecast and Outcomes-Based Buying

    Leading Edge   July 3, 2024  

    Retail media grew beyond all other ad spending segments in 2023, and there have been reports seemingly every month on how it’s exploding in 2024. Most recently, eMarketer pointed to retail media taking share from linear TV spend, bolstering the growth of CTV. Global retail media ad spending is expected to more than double from $114.18 billion in 2023 to $233.89 billion in 2027, according to the eMarketer report. Retail media will soon represent a larger percentage of digital advertising spending, growing from 18.9 percent of that segment in 2023 to 25.7 percent in 2027.

  • Leveraging Data to Identify and Connect with Potential Donors

    Leading Edge   July 2, 2024  

    Data has incredible potential for identifying and connecting with potential donors. When used effectively, data can help nonprofits level up their fundraising campaigns, build meaningful relationships, and drive long-term support. It’s a win-win-win.

  • 3 Easy Ways to Avoid Fraud on CTV

    Leading Edge   June 28, 2024  

    Working with CTV inventory for the past few years, I've found that there are some telltale signs to watch for, best practices that need to be put in place, and a few extra relationship-building steps that are enough to cut out almost all CTV fraud completely.

  • 2024 ANA Masters of B2B Marketing Conference: A Comprehensive Recap

    Leading Edge   June 28, 2024  

    The 2024 ANA Masters of B2B Marketing Conference was a gathering for marketing professionals, offering deep dives into the current and future trends shaping the B2B marketing landscape. Held in Naples, Florida, this year's event brought together a stellar roster of industry leaders, providing attendees with valuable insights and practical strategies to enhance their marketing efforts. If you missed it or want to revisit the highlights, here’s a detailed recap.

  • A Blueprint for Next-Level Partnership Marketing in Global Travel

    Leading Edge   June 27, 2024  

    The global travel industry steadily navigates impact, recovery, and growth cycles. So, the need for brands to distinguish themselves sustainably runs deeper than a marketing strategy. That focus on differentiation must be core to the travel brand’s business and all its dealings. The strategic utility of B2B partnerships plays right into this mission.

  • Exposing the Waste in Tactless Targeting Efforts

    Leading Edge   June 26, 2024  

    Consider someone browsing online and being served an advertisement for their own internet provider. The advertisement in question has not reached a prospect, the consumer has no defined action to take and rolls her eyes at the lack of personalization from her provider, and at that moment, the exchange becomes a marketer’s worst fear — a waste of everyone’s time.
