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  • Programmatic Advertising for Election Campaigns

    Leading Edge   July 24, 2024  

    The landscape of election campaigning has evolved dramatically since the last cycle, with programmatic access transforming how campaigns connect with voters. Gone are the days of being limited to upfront TV buys and local radio stations. Now, with programmatic advertising, campaign managers have unprecedented control and flexibility throughout the election cycle, plus the ability to leverage data to drive better results.

  • Retail Media Networks: Optimism Tempered with Caution

    Research Reports   July 24, 2024  

    While retail media networks (RMNs) have been around for well over a decade, they have really come into their own over the past few years. This ANA report concludes that, “Retail media networks have a measurement issue...and therefore better measurement of RMNs is clearly required.”

  • Charted: Gaming Genre Preferences by Device Type

    Money Slides   July 23, 2024  

    Comscore shares data that reveals the relative popularity of gaming genres by the types of devices that they are played on.

  • How Gamers' Device Preferences Affect Their Willingness to Spend on Games

    Money Slides   July 23, 2024  

    Comscore shares data that reveals the amounts that users are willing to pay for video games based on their preferred device type.

  • The Ages and Incomes of Gamers, by the Numbers

    Money Slides   July 23, 2024  

    Comscore shares data that breaks down the percentage of gamers in each age demographic and each household income bracket.

  • Are You Ready for the Next Wave for Advertisers?

    Knowledge Partners   July 23, 2024  

    From the continued evolution of TV and video advertising to the emergence of adaptive retail, AI-powered strategies, immersive ad formats, and frictionless experiences — we are in the midst of a new ad industry wave. Media teams that don't have the right tools to buy, bill, and pay for media will be left behind.

  • Pathways to Transparent Media: The Old Blame Game No Longer Applies

    Leading Edge   July 19, 2024  

    The past decade of our industry has been rife with headlines detailing egregious brand safety scandals and mind-blowing levels of wasted ad spend. The inevitable villain in these stories? Digital platforms like Meta and Google, not to mention the myriad ad tech vendors that comprise the digital supply chain.

  • Advertising Ethics in the Age of AI

    B2C   July 19, 2024  

    Committing to ethical data and marketing practices can earn consumer trust — a commodity that's in short supply. The ANA's newly released Ethics Code of Marketing provides principles, best practices, and resources for making ethical decisions across six areas of marketing and advertising, including data privacy and artificial intelligence.

  • ANA Ethics Code of Marketing Best Practices

    Research Reports   July 18, 2024  

    The ANA Ethic Code of Best Marketing Practices is a framework of high-level principles, guidelines, resources and examples of ethical marketing and advertising best practices applicable to all entities engaged in marketing, advertising, and fundraising.

  • How Curation Solutions Supercharge Media Buying and Advertising Strategies

    Leading Edge   July 18, 2024  

    As the digital advertising industry transforms with the ongoing phase-out of third-party cookies, advertisers are forced to adapt their strategies to accurately target the right audiences with their campaigns. In an evolving landscape such as this, data providers have appeared as key players, offering advertisers access to valuable consumer insights.

  • Understanding and Harnessing the Power of Gaming Audiences

    Event Recaps   July 17, 2024  

    During the ANA’s 2024 Digital and Social Media Conference, Comcast and Anzu shared insights on the gaming landscape and how marketers can succeed on it.

  • Raising the Verification Bar with More Impactful Media KPIs and Currencies

    Knowledge Partners   July 16, 2024  

    Hudson MX’s Michael Stoeckle shared how marketers can improve their media verification process with more impactful media KPIs.

  • Will We See a Digital Direct Resurgence in 2024?

    Knowledge Partners   July 16, 2024  

    As the programmatic supply chain continues to struggle with transparency issues, the stage may be set for direct digital buying to make a comeback.

  • In 2023, Diverse-Owned Media Climbed to 2.5 percent of the Mix

    Money Slides   July 12, 2024  

    Marketing solutions provider Guideline shares data that illustrates the gains made by diverse-owned media in the 2020s.

  • Ethical Marketing

    ASK Answers   July 10, 2024  

    How can brands ensure they are accountable to consumers?

  • The Five Most Important Guidelines for Using Principal Media

    POVs   July 8, 2024  

    Pulling from the ANA’s report, The Acceleration of Principal Media, this POV covers the five most important guidelines your brand needs to implement before agreeing to a principal media buy with your agency partners.

  • 3 Easy Ways to Avoid Fraud on CTV

    Leading Edge   June 28, 2024  

    Working with CTV inventory for the past few years, I've found that there are some telltale signs to watch for, best practices that need to be put in place, and a few extra relationship-building steps that are enough to cut out almost all CTV fraud completely.

  • Beyond Upfronts: Navigating the New Landscape of TV Advertising

    Webinar Rewinds   June 27, 2024  

    In this webinar, Marc Siegel, president of sales at Simulmedia, discussed how the traditional TV upfront model is evolving as more brands demand greater accountability, flexibility, and ROI in today’s world of fragmentation, excess supply, and technological advances.

  • The 2020s: A New Era of Digital's Global Preeminence Over Linear TV

    Money Slides   June 25, 2024  

    Marketing solutions provider Guideline tracks the proportion of media mix devoted to digital, on the one hand, and linear TV, on the other, in the first quarters of 2022, 2023, and 2024 in the U.S., the U.K., China, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.

  • Attention, Please: Unlock the Potential of Total Attention

    Knowledge Partners   June 19, 2024  

    Brands often believe that breaking through that noise means being the loudest in the room. But according to Pinterest’s Stacy Malone, attention may be more complex than marketer’s think.
