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  • 6 Marketing Leaders on How to Better Understand Your Consumer

    Pulse   July 26, 2024  

    Being "consumer-obsessed" isn't a new idea for marketers. We are living in an age where data is used to refine targeting, and marketers target products and services to different demographics by tailoring messages (and how those messages are received). However, to do this successfully, consumer demographics need to be understood beyond shallow and superficial narratives.

  • How to Close the Growing 'Consumption Gap'

    B2B   July 26, 2024  

    The time between when a piece of content is requested and the moment it is actually opened — called the "consumption gap" — is getting longer, according to a recent study. However, there are several remedies to shrink the gap, ranging from creating the kind of content that will help prospects do their jobs better to modeling on-demand webinars on live events.

  • A CMO’s Guide to Unlocking the Potential of Human-Centered AI

    Leading Edge   July 25, 2024  

    As digital experiences continue to influence how brands interact with consumers, paradoxically, human experiences are more critical than ever to building the strong emotional connections required to secure purchase and loyalty.

  • AI and B2B Marketing

    ASK Answers   July 25, 2024  

    How are B2B marketers utilizing artificial intelligence in their marketing efforts?

  • Is the Ad Agency Model Broken?

    Champions of Growth Podcast   July 24, 2024  

    Michael Farmer, chairman and CEO of strategic consultancy Farmer & Company, joins host Matthew Schwartz to discuss the growing schisms between client-side marketers and their advertising agencies, and how to enhance their relationships.

  • AI Campaigns and Case Studies

    Pulse   July 24, 2024  

    Below are case studies and campaigns that successfully utilized AI.

  • Programmatic Advertising for Election Campaigns

    Leading Edge   July 24, 2024  

    The landscape of election campaigning has evolved dramatically since the last cycle, with programmatic access transforming how campaigns connect with voters. Gone are the days of being limited to upfront TV buys and local radio stations. Now, with programmatic advertising, campaign managers have unprecedented control and flexibility throughout the election cycle, plus the ability to leverage data to drive better results.

  • Retail Media Networks: Optimism Tempered with Caution

    Research Reports   July 24, 2024  

    While retail media networks (RMNs) have been around for well over a decade, they have really come into their own over the past few years. This ANA report concludes that, “Retail media networks have a measurement issue...and therefore better measurement of RMNs is clearly required.”

  • Turning a Cultural Phenomenon Into a Market-Leading Brand

    B2C   July 24, 2024  

    Lena Lewis of Mark Anthony Brands shares how White Claw uses cultural events and trends to connect with consumers and maintain its position as the hard seltzer market leader.

  • Innovative Engagement Strategies for Entertainment Advertising

    Leading Edge   July 23, 2024  

    In an over-saturated market with limitless viewing options, the entertainment industry faces a formidable challenge: How can a new release stand out and become a blockbuster rather than a flop? Traditional formats and strategies, once reliable, now falter in the face of evolving audience behaviors and fragmented platforms.

  • Charted: Gaming Genre Preferences by Device Type

    Money Slides   July 23, 2024  

    Comscore shares data that reveals the relative popularity of gaming genres by the types of devices that they are played on.

  • How Gamers' Device Preferences Affect Their Willingness to Spend on Games

    Money Slides   July 23, 2024  

    Comscore shares data that reveals the amounts that users are willing to pay for video games based on their preferred device type.

  • The Ages and Incomes of Gamers, by the Numbers

    Money Slides   July 23, 2024  

    Comscore shares data that breaks down the percentage of gamers in each age demographic and each household income bracket.

  • Are You Ready for the Next Wave for Advertisers?

    Knowledge Partners   July 23, 2024  

    From the continued evolution of TV and video advertising to the emergence of adaptive retail, AI-powered strategies, immersive ad formats, and frictionless experiences — we are in the midst of a new ad industry wave. Media teams that don't have the right tools to buy, bill, and pay for media will be left behind.

  • An Event to Inspire Latino Men Toward Better Mental Health

    Knowledge Partners   July 23, 2024  

    In a groundbreaking live event fostering mental health discussions within the Latino community, LATV hosted the "Entre Hermanos Love, Your Mind" event as part of the Love, Your Mind campaign, a collaborative effort from the Huntsman Mental Health Institute and the Ad Council.

  • How This Challenger Beauty Brand Used Influencers to Become Target’s No. 1 Shave Brand

    Budgeting Brilliance   July 22, 2024  

    When influencer Carly Joy posted an authentic video instructing women on how to shave their nether regions, the brand featured in the video saw it as a unique marketing opportunity. The post, which amassed over 17 million views, inspired Soyoung Kang CMO of eos products to fire off a text to Kerry McKibbin, partner and president at Mischief @ No Fixed Address, the brand’s creative agency.

  • USAA Leverages the Army-Navy Game to Attract Customers

    In-House Excellence Awards   July 22, 2024  

    The Army-Navy Game presented by USAA offered the organization an excellent opportunity to reflect its brand values and showcase its products and services to a large cross-section of members and prospects. USAA leveraged sponsorship rights and tactics to develop a campaign aligning with fan passion-points while supporting marketing objectives.

  • Pathways to Transparent Media: The Old Blame Game No Longer Applies

    Leading Edge   July 19, 2024  

    The past decade of our industry has been rife with headlines detailing egregious brand safety scandals and mind-blowing levels of wasted ad spend. The inevitable villain in these stories? Digital platforms like Meta and Google, not to mention the myriad ad tech vendors that comprise the digital supply chain.

  • Advertising Ethics in the Age of AI

    B2C   July 19, 2024  

    Committing to ethical data and marketing practices can earn consumer trust — a commodity that's in short supply. The ANA's newly released Ethics Code of Marketing provides principles, best practices, and resources for making ethical decisions across six areas of marketing and advertising, including data privacy and artificial intelligence.

  • The UN Live at the Global CMO Growth Council Leadership Assembly in Cannes, 2024

    CMO Content   July 19, 2024  

    Speaking at the Global CMO Growth Council Leadership Assembly in Cannes, Katja Iversen, CEO of the Museum for the United Nations (UN Live), emphasized the organization's mission to inspire sustainable behavior by engaging people globally.
