Chuck Kapelke

Chuck Kapelke has more than 20 years of experience as a communications professional. His writing has appeared in publications such as Fortune, Boston Magazine, Continental Inflight, and Rolling Stone. He has also written articles and produced videos for a wide range of companies.

Recent content by this author:

  • Will There Be a Next Generation of Marketers?

    B2C   July 12, 2024  

    Most CMOs plan to hire new workers this year, according to a recent study. But the hiring smacks up against a growing number of traditional, junior-level jobs growing obsolete due to automation. If there's to be a new generation of marketers, the onus is on managers to offer training that accounts for marketing's AI transformation.

  • Partners for Purpose

    Social Impact   June 17, 2024  

    Partnering with nonprofits can be a powerful way for companies to promote their brand purpose. But getting it right is the hard part. Ensuring the partnership is authentic is just one way for brands to better collaborate with nonprofits.

  • What Is Red Teaming?

    B2C   May 31, 2024  

    To combat cybercrime, a growing number of companies are developing red teams, or in-house groups designed to evaluate the effectiveness of an organization's cyber defense. As these groups start to proliferate, marketers may be recruited to assist in the endeavor and educate employees about the role they can play protecting the company against bad actors online.

  • The Real Draw of AI Virtual Influencers

    B2C   May 8, 2024  

    Human influencers, move over. Nearly two-thirds of marketers said they are open to teaming up with AI-created virtual influencers, according to a new study. As the trend gains momentum, marketers need to ensure that their AI-driven partners are tightly controlled and sync up nicely with the brand.

  • Nonprofits Are Jumping on the AI Bandwagon

    Social Impact   April 29, 2024  

    A majority of nonprofits say they now use some type of AI, but they seek more dialogue and understanding about the burgeoning technology's limitations.

  • An Olympic-Sized Opportunity for Brands

    B2C   March 29, 2024  

    While not all brands have the ad budgets to be global sponsors of the Summer Olympics, companies of all sizes can get involved with this year's Games as well as peripheral events.

  • How to Use AI Responsibly in Marketing

    B2C   February 23, 2024  

    Experimenting with generative AI should be controlled and guided by clear and transparent policies, which are sorely lacking. Only 22 percent of companies have generative AI policies, and only 21 percent have an AI ethics policy or responsible AI principles, according to a recent survey.

  • Can CEOs and CMOs Form a Better Union?

    B2C   January 19, 2024  

    A new report from McKinsey & Co. reveals some sharp differences when it comes to how CEOs and CMOs understand the role marketing plays and how it contributes to the company's overall goals and objectives. There are several steps CMOs can take to bridge the divide, facilitated by strengthening communication and sharing a customer-centric vision for the company.

  • How Marketers Score with 'Forever Fans'

    B2C   December 13, 2023  

    Sports programming is a solid marketing vehicle for reaching wide swaths of consumers, of course, but how can brands tap the devotion of so-called "forever fans," who are more likely than other fans to emotionally connect to sponsors?

  • Marketing to Generation Alpha

    B2C   November 10, 2023  

    When catering to gen Alphas, marketers need to think outside the screen, and create engaging, immersive experiences that blend the digital and physical worlds.

  • The Ethical Risks of Generative Artificial Intelligence

    B2C   October 11, 2023  

    Intellectual property and copyright concerns are among the thornier issues that marketers and agencies are grappling with as generative artificial intelligence (AI) becomes a force in the ad business. Procurement can play a key role asking vendors about their technology capabilities and how those technologies or models were trained. At the same time, marketers should be encouraged that some generative AI vendors are providing assurances that their products are free of copyright concerns.
