Speaker Profile

Cord Silverstein
Founder and President / Advocacy Social

Cord Silverstein is an award-winning marketer, leader, coach and speaker with over 20 years of proven marketing expertise. He has worked on both sides of the aisle leading the marketing strategy and execution for Fortune 500 brands on the agency and client-side. Cord is president of Advocacy Social, a content marketing and social media agency that specializes in working with brands of all sizes to better identify, engage and empower their true brand advocates and most influential members delivering real and tangible ROI for his clients.

For more than 10 years, Cord has been speaking at conferences and at organizations to share his thoughts and industry best practices. Today, Cord splits his time between leading marketing campaigns and personalized corporate training. He has taught and taken part in over 100 certified marketing courses and corporate trainings with a focus of getting more done in less time and quickly adapting to change allowing marketing teams to work better, smarter and faster.

Cord’s diverse background allows him to teach a number of courses including Agile Marketing for Marketers, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Generative AI, and specific leadership and creativity training. He is passionate about Agile Marketing having led the training and integration for more than 50 different organizations including his own company and the vast majority of his clients.

Some notable clients and employees Cord has worked with include Dell, Lenovo, Chrysler, Staples, MetLife, and GlaxoSmithKline. Cord is based in Raleigh, North Carolina and an active member of several boards and local community projects.