• Associations granted intervenor status in Bell Media/NFL challenge
  • Federal Court of Appeal to hear arguments on CRTC Sim Sub ban

Toronto, May 1, 2017: Having intervened before the CRTC, opposing the decision to ban simultaneous substitution (simsub) during the Super Bowl, the Association of Canadian Advertisers (ACA) and the Alliance of Canadian Television and Radio Artists (ACTRA) have now been granted intervenor status in the Federal Court of Appeal case between Bell Media, the NFL and the Attorney General.

At issue is the CRTC’s order (effective Feb. 5, 2017) banning the replacement of U.S. ads with ones made in Canada during the Super Bowl.

“This decision denies marketers of a key opportunity to access Canadian consumers,” said Ron Lund, President and CEO, ACA. “Of greater concern, it places a long-standing and successful CRTC cornerstone policy that benefits the entire broadcasting system, in jeopardy.”

For Canadian performers, the decision will result in fewer work opportunities. The removal of a policy that ensures Canadian advertising dollars stay in Canada means less revenue for reinvestment back into Canadian content production. It also reduces the market for commercials starring Canadian performers.

“This decision by the CRTC undermines a foundational part of Canada’s film and television sector,” said Stephen Waddell, ACTRA’s National Executive Director. “We’re intervening to ensure the creative sector has a voice in this important appeal.”

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