WordPress Developer, SEO & WP Web Design Dublin, Ireland

WordPress Websites, Expert Web Design, Professional SEO – All in one Affordable Website

Welcome to WP Web Design we provide everything from Start-up Websites, Artists’ Portfolio Websites and eCommerce Sites of all shapes and sizes

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A Simple Step-By-Step Process

Every site I build has a simple yet highly focused on-boarding.

It’s common sense and tested development, starting with text and SEO, then layout, design and integration with CRM, mailing list software and other third-party applications.

A Simple Process

Content & SEO Strategy

SEO is part of my process and its something that I specialise in. Every website I build is compliant, fast and mobile-first.


Creating simple yet functional layouts and using the elements of your site correctly, I ensure it’s both compliant and fast.

Mobile-First Design

Using advancements like the AMP framework and building with a mobile-first philosophy delivers the best results to all users.

Made with Love

Your brand needs to be represented well online, which is why I use top-notch images, all served from an image CDN.

What You Get?

I have an unrestricted and open process. Everything I do will be SEO and usability focused. I also help clients own and retain core access to their domains and hosting, while being GDPR and data compliant.

Ownership is never a question. I give you access to everything, while ensuring you pay and license all the tools you use, so you can have a hassle-free site for years to come.

Professional Guidance At Every Stage

I hand make every site with only top components and techniques.

You’ll work directly with me and I’ll do it all: development, design, SEO and CRM integration.

I also pride myself on providing high-quality service, technical expertise and advice.

Process-Driven Web Development

I understand how difficult and overwhelming a new site can be. That’s why you’ll see the site at every stage of development. You can be an observer or get more involved. This can help you save money and learn as we build.

All of my clients become WP editing experts very quickly. You need no code training at all, but my setup will also suit even the most seasoned developer, with access to every area from simple text to core CSS.

Website Repair & Theme Transplants

Your website might be great in the front and a mess in the rear. Lots of folks have sites built with out-of-date or developer-focused methods.

I can help move any design into a theme-based setup.

I then back this with the support and assistance of a wide array of tried-and-tested plugins and authors.


90% of the sites I review have VPS and shared hosting. This is a curse to your entire online strategy and one of the worst ways to save money.

I will help you put a nitro in your site and make sure you’re not on old legacy hosting.


If you use WordPress, then your business online is driven by PHP. We are using 7.3 and 7.4

However, many sites are still on a legacy 5.6 setup, creating a huge security issue online. Don’t be part of the spam. I will help you keep your site safe and abandon hosting platforms that leave you on 10-year-old technology.

Save Money & Time

It’s a big risk to use free contact form plugins, CRM integrations and unreliable WooCommerce plugins. I use a limited set of highly focused and tested plugins. I don’t take any affiliate earnings from the tools I recommend and personally use 100% of what I sell. I’m also very proud to say that I spend zero on PPC and can help you do the same, while still delivering a steady stream of leads.

Freemium Isn’t Free

Many ‘freemium’ model plugins offer the bait of a simple service, but under the hood they are taking data offsite. Many SEO plugin are now trying this, giving very generic US advice to local businesses in Ireland and the EU. Some of the top used plugins online have huge issues, from security to caching, and many social sharing plugins have been the target of hacks and attacks. Don’t trust a plugin made to act as a sales agent within your site. I will also help you clean up the spam within your WordPress Dashboard. Plugins like Jetpack, Hello Dolly, Gutenberg and other quirky blog elements will be removed to help you look and act professional online.

Avoid Garbage Plugins

WordPress and many of its plugins are bloated, causing your site to be slow and, frankly, adding garbage to your code and website. I have a trusted set of tools and am up front about it all: I use paid premium WP themes and plugins, licensed and polished artwork, rock-solid reliable WP hosting and a business-focused SEO-driven WP install.

Impartial Reporting

Many folks buy media and take metrics solely from Google. This is not a good idea. Google Analytics is something I know inside out, but I always advise other tracking for anyone serious about metrics. I offer free www.clicky.com access and reporting to all clients on retainer. This is also a super simple and cost-effective way to demystify your web stats. Forget training and certification from Google and learn common sense ways to track ROI online and monitor your business with impartial tools.

A True WYSIWYG Editor Without The Bloat!

I’ll deliver on this and, via the visual composer, still give you the option to use a code view, a standard WP editor view guided by a block editor and a fully what-you-see-is-what-you-get editor. WP Bakery visual composer plus WordPress is the only tool delivering this without bloat and customer retention strategies. I can help you import from Beaver Builder, Gutenberg, Divi or any of the builders we do not support—for FREE!

Professional Page Builders

I say no to Gutenberg and so should you. I try to foster a usability and respect for folks with impairments online.

Gutenberg, aside from its failings as a page builder at present, is ignoring standard usability rules designed to help all users of a site regardless of physical ability.

I also support ClassicPress, the WordPress Fork, which was created to remove Gutenberg.

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