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Air is a widespread low density medium so it needs lots of small widespread magic working together to do anything useful.

This means it takes a long time to set up. You need hundreds or thousands of small devices mathematically precisely positioned in the region to be effective.

Such a system is useless on the battlefield and not portable, but as something permanent, it's fine. You might be able to set up a one-time-use tornado for defense of a specific location but it's not something you can setup quickly, months of work per use, and it will likely destroy itself so not common or econimcal either.

Since it has to be widespread, it is not portable so magic airships would either not be possible or things that need to only travel along managed routes, more like air trains than ships. Or they are are absolutely gigantic behemoths and thus extremely rare.

Since it becomes a question of scale they might be able ot make somthing like air powered guns for individuals but nothing big an flashy and nothing that couldn't be done with gunpowder. This could even be restricted to the ability of indivudal mages depending on how you want your magic to work.

Air is a widespread low density medium so it needs lots of small widespread magic working together to do anything useful.

This means it takes a long time to set up. You need hundreds or thousands of small devices mathematically precisely positioned in the region to be effective.

Such a system is useless on the battlefield and not portable, but something permanent, it's fine. You might be able to set up a one-time-use tornado for defense of a specific location but it's not something you can setup quickly, months of work per use, and it will likely destroy itself so not common either.

Since it has to be widespread, it is not portable so magic airships would either not be possible or things that need to only travel along managed routes, more like air trains than ships. Or they are are absolutely gigantic behemoths and thus extremely rare.

Air is a widespread low density medium so it needs lots of small widespread magic working together to do anything useful.

This means it takes a long time to set up. You need hundreds or thousands of small devices mathematically precisely positioned in the region to be effective.

Such a system is useless on the battlefield and not portable, but as something permanent, it's fine. You might be able to set up a one-time-use tornado for defense of a specific location but it's not something you can setup quickly, months of work per use, and it will likely destroy itself so not common or econimcal either.

Since it has to be widespread, it is not portable so magic airships would either not be possible or things that need to only travel along managed routes, more like air trains than ships. Or they are are absolutely gigantic behemoths and thus extremely rare.

Since it becomes a question of scale they might be able ot make somthing like air powered guns for individuals but nothing big an flashy and nothing that couldn't be done with gunpowder. This could even be restricted to the ability of indivudal mages depending on how you want your magic to work.

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Air is a widespread low density medium so it needs lots of small widespread magic working together to do anything useful.

This means it takes a long time to set up. You need hundreds or thousands of small devices mathmaticallymathematically precisely positioned in the region otto be effective.

suchSuch a system is useless on the battlefeildbattlefield and not portable, but something perminant itspermanent, it's fine. You might be able to set up a one time use-time-use tornado for defense of a specific location but itsit's not somthingsomething you can setup quickly, months of work per use, and it will likely destroy itself so not common either.

Since it has to be widespread, it is not portable so magic airships would either not be possible or things that need to only travel along managed routes, more like air trains than ships. Or they are are absolutleyabsolutely gigantic behemonthsbehemoths and thus extrememelyextremely rare.

Air is a widespread low density medium so it needs lots of small widespread magic working together to do anything useful.

This means it takes a long time to set up. You need hundreds or thousands of small devices mathmatically precisely positioned in the region ot be effective.

such a system is useless on the battlefeild and not portable, but something perminant its fine. You might be able to set up a one time use tornado for defense of a specific location but its not somthing you can setup quickly, months of work per use, and it will likely destroy itself so not common either.

Since it has to be widespread it is not portable so magic airships would either not be possible or things that need to only travel along managed routes, more like air trains than ships. Or they are are absolutley gigantic behemonths and thus extrememely rare.

Air is a widespread low density medium so it needs lots of small widespread magic working together to do anything useful.

This means it takes a long time to set up. You need hundreds or thousands of small devices mathematically precisely positioned in the region to be effective.

Such a system is useless on the battlefield and not portable, but something permanent, it's fine. You might be able to set up a one-time-use tornado for defense of a specific location but it's not something you can setup quickly, months of work per use, and it will likely destroy itself so not common either.

Since it has to be widespread, it is not portable so magic airships would either not be possible or things that need to only travel along managed routes, more like air trains than ships. Or they are are absolutely gigantic behemoths and thus extremely rare.

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Air is a widespread low density medium so it needs lots of small widespread magic working together to do anything useful.

This means it takes a long time to set up. You need hundreds or thousands of small devices mathmatically precisely positioned in the region ot be effective.

such a system is useless on the battlefeild and not portable, but something perminant its fine. You might be able to set up a one time use tornado for defense of a specific location but its not somthing you can setup quickly, months of work per use, and it will likely destroy itself so not common either.

Since it has to be widespread it is not portable so magic airships would either not be possible or things that need to only travel along managed routes, more like air trains than ships. Or they are are absolutley gigantic behemonths and thus extrememely rare.