• It was once a decent enough plug-in, but its been going downhill for the last few years. Worse still is I now pay 82 Euro a year for it, twice what it was last year, and am having nothing but problems. Moreover, they want me to pay extra to view my statistics, which were once free for all. They say its because I have adverts on my website – they don’t earn me any money, just contribute to the cost of self hosting. I will not be renewing with them when my current plan ends. And I would not recommend paying for the plug-in, there is NO value in it. Complete waste of money without the stats, an absolute rip off. Worse still, it eats into speed and has a lot of technical issues.

    In addition, I’ve been using WordPress for 17 years and have dealt with many plug-ins that time and I can tell you the response time from Jetpack is really bad. I remember about 8 or 9 years ago when I was using Jetpack for FREE I had a technical issue and the support team got back to me same day and were extremely helpful. But now, even though I am paying (for nothing in essence) it takes days for support or customer service to get back to me and they are far from helpful.

    • This topic was modified 3 weeks, 1 day ago by Insaitama. Reason: Additional information
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  • Plugin Contributor Stef (a11n)


    Hi there, @insaitama,

    We appreciate you took the time to put together a compelled and honest feedback about our support and Jetpack as a product.

    I checked the latest tickets we received, and I don’t seem to see any coming from your account – but I might be wrong! If you have submitted a support request via email, do let us know and we’ll check that.

    As about the Stats, while I can see your point in using ads to fund the hosting costs, however that’s still considered a source of revenue, so we cannot make exceptions. Free stats plans are for truly personal sites only; asking commercial sites to pay is the only way we can keep this feature available to people who run hobby blogs and similar.

    I see how you might not see any more value in your Jetpack plan at the moment (which has also been discontinued!), and we’re happy to discuss this and maybe find a different plan that can better fulfil your current site’s needs and goals (including the Stats part!). If that sounds about right, you’re welcome to contact us via contact form 🙂

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