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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
"Do you really wish to know?" — Spoilers from the books and/or adaptations to follow!
Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

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I've cursed you for chasing tails of every kind. Men, women, dwarves, elves, polymorphous... But never have I ever seen you have a crush.
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- Vespula to Jaskier, Reunion

Vespula was one of Jaskier's lovers.


Jaskier and Vespula were first seen very publicly arguing about Jaskier's many sexual encounters and relationships. The argument culminated with Vespula throwing Jaskier's lute from her balcony as far as she could (much to Jaskier's horror); but Prince Radovid unexpectedly showed up and caught it before it could shatter on the ground.[1]

Some time later, the two of them were shown lounging together inside Vespula's apartment - Jaskier still naked in bed while Vespula sat by the window, wearing only a shirt and casually smoking a pipe. As Jaskier spoke about his most recent encounter with Prince Radovid - swooning over his intelligence and insightfulness - Vespulat suggested that he liked him.

When Jaskier attempted to deny it, she noted that - despite Jaskier's very diverse sexual interests in all kinds of people - she'd never ever seen him being romantically attracted to anyone before. She thus believed that what he was feeling for Radovid was a crush.[2]


  1. Season 3, Episode 01: Shaerrawedd
  2. Season 3, Episode 03: Reunion