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Though the widespread term is witcher, some common folk and realms also use the names vedymin or witchman.

Physiologus entry[]

A witchman, mumbled the woman. Called by some a witcher. To summon him is most dangerous, albeit one must; for when against the monster and the vermin there be no aid, the witchman can contrive. But careful one must be—
Eeee... But careful one must be to touch not the witchman, for thus the mange can one acquire. And lasses do from him hide away, for lustful the witchman is above all measure—
—though the witchman greatly covetous and greedy for gold be, mumbled the old woman, half-closing her eyes, giveth ye not such a one more than: for a drowner, one silver penny or three halves; for a werecat, silver pennies two; for a plumard, silver pennies—
pg. 180, The Last Wish (UK edition)

Encyclopaedia Maxima Mundi entry[]

The witchmen, or witchers as the Nordlings call them, are a secret, elite caste of soldier-priests, likely an offshoot of the druids. Gifted, in the popular imagination, of magical powers and superhuman abilities, they were driven to take part in the struggle against evil spirits, monsters and all the dark forces. In reality, masters of weaponry, these witchmen were used by Northern sovereigns for tribal altercations to which the latter were prone. During combat, the witchmen entered trances, trances they themselves summoned, one would suppose through some sort of self-hypnosis or some method of intoxication. They fought with a blind energy, for they were completely impervious to pain or even serious injury, which attested to their supernatural strength. The theory that witchmen were the result of genetic mutation or engineering was never confirmed. The witchmen are the heroes of numerous Nordling legends (see F. Delannoy, Myths and Legends of the Nordlings).
Effenberg and Talbot
Encyclopaedia Maxima Mundi, Tome XV

The Witcher[]

In the original game, the term used was witchman. This following journal entry is, in fact, a slightly paraphrased quote from the short story "The Edge of the World".

Journal Bestiary entry[]

"A witchman is by some called a witcher. Summoning him is dangerous, yet he must be called at times. When none can stand against an accursed monster, a witchman will. Do not touch the witchman, for you will become mangy. Remember also to hide the lasses from him, for the witchman is lecherous beyond imagination. Though the witchman craves silver, never pay him more than the following: a silver penny for a drowner, two silver pennies for a werecat, four silver pennies for a vampire."


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt[]

On occasion, passing or stationed Nilfgaardian soldiers refer to protagonist - Geralt as a vedymin, expressing surprise at the presence of a witcher amongst them.
