Witcher Wiki
Witcher Wiki

step 1: first of all, go to white orchard bridge, then go to the dwarf armorer (you have to complete his quest before doing it)[]

step 2: go north-left until you reach an old house[]

step 3: search near the house a bee-hive, and aard it.[]

step 4: aard the bee hive until it reaches the armorer. he shall die from it[]

step 5: meditate one hour, wake up, repit[]

step 6: when the dwarf's bodies are many, aard away the beehive and take the loot from the armorer. there is many loot as the body's numbers[]

it is recommended to buy as many thing as you can (spend all of your money, for him to have a lot) and when you take the loots you take all of he's money, multiplayd, and you can take everything he sells for free.[]

if my english is not understandablle i'm sorry. btw i checked and the glitch work in the last patch, 1.23
