Witcher Wiki
Witcher Wiki

Hello Witcher Wikia Community!

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Happy Launch Day! It's been a long wait for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and CD Projekt RED has delivered a masterpiece! The game is sprawling adventure, filled to the brim with quests, locations, and characters. If you're a dedicated fan of the Witcher and have your hands on the new game, there are several great ways you can help contribute to this community! Please read on if you're interested.

The Witcher 3 Guides[]

We all calling all active players and editors to help contribute your knowledge and expertise to our Community Guides. These guides search as a nice starting point for new players to learn the systems of the game, mechanics of combat and crafting, and how to succeed in the game's many challenges. At the moment, we have four guides: alchemy, combat, monster hunting, and signs. If you're knowledgable about these areas, please take a look and add any new advice/expertise!

Needed Categories[]

We are in need for a variety of content pages pertaining to The Witcher 3. If you can write article pages or upload visual content (pictures, videos, etc) we would greatly appreciate it. Article pages within these categories will really help our wiki grow!

Wiki for Adoption[]

Currently, there are no user admins on The Witcher wiki, and we are searching for active, knowledgable, and collaborate users to apply for open admin positions. If you are interested, please continue to contribute to the wiki in any way you feel comfortable. We'll be researching reliable editors in these next few weeks to fill these positions. Please let me know directly if you are interested in the position or if you're curious in how to best help this community. We could use all the edits you can provide!

Contact Me[]

If you have any questions about editing on the Witcher wiki, about how to best lay out content pages, info boxes, or other details, please don't hesitate to leave me a note on my Message Wall, or send me an email at doug@wikia-inc.com.

Happy hunting, everyone!
