Witcher Wiki
Witcher Wiki

Since Curse and Fandom joined forces, we are two platforms and one wiki host. To unite communities on both platforms, Project Crossover was created.

Project Crossover aims to bring communities together and rather than harming each others' visitors, editors and web traffic, help them join forces and work for a common goal. We have had several notable successes thus far, including crossing over the Fallout wiki (GP to Fandom) and Warcraft wiki (Fandom to GP).

So, I'd like to know how all of you here feel about uniting with Gamepedia's Witcher community. If you decide to join forces, the Gamepedia wiki would be archived, preserving its content for reference, reuse, and importing, but will no longer be open for editing. A banner will also be placed at the top, like here, to help direct potential editors to the united wiki. The united wiki would be here, at the current Fandom wiki.

Your input and hopes, issues, anything you would like to say is very valuable for us. Please, share what you think and how you feel about this plan.
