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Disambig icon This article is about the creature. For the village, see Unicorn (village).

What one can perceive as an unicorn or one-horns is in fact a member of a race of sentient multi-dimensional beings who are able to traverse the Multiverse. They are known to observe doings of less advanced species.[1]


They look like horses with a single, often spiral horn in the middle of their foreheads, generally found to be at least a cubit in length. They also have iridescent coats, smaller heads, extremely slender necks and pasterns, and a longer, thicker tail.[1] They use telepathy to communicate with each other and sometimes with other races.[2] Unicorn horns are universal antidotes to poison and can be used to detect poisons as well. They also change color with age.[3]


Divided into herds, unicorn society is specifically organized and led by a council of elders.[4]

Unicorns tend to communicate via simple communicates like "confirmation" or "negation" and refer to members of less advanced races as "Beings". They vehemently despise those who use Power and usually kill those whom they perceive as the most dangerous.[1] There are, however, cases where they help or guide lesser beings in fulfilling the Destiny, though the reasons they do it are usually unknown. One such event occured when a black unicorn led Viduka to the rock where he would later found his capital.[5]

Unicorns greatly dislike the Aen Elle who forced them to open the gates between worlds so that they might massacre humans from other worlds. They can move between parallel realities, and they may also move through time (fourth and fifth dimensions).[3] The legends that suggest unicorns can only be lured by virgin maidens are false. In reality, they simply despise evil and so, avoid it. They usually appear to people with a good heart.[1]

Physiologus entry[]

The behaviour of the unicorn is greatly mystifying. Although exceptionally timid and fearful of people, if it should chance upon a maiden who has not had carnal relations with a man it will at once run to her, kneel before her and, without any fear whatsoever, lay its head in her lap. It is said that in the dim and distant past there were maidens who made a veritable practice of this. They remained unmarried and in abstinence for many years in order to be employed by hunters as a lure for unicorns. It soon transpired, however, that the unicorn only approached youthful maidens, paying absolutely no attention to older ones. Being a wise creature, the unicorn indubitably knows that remaining too long in the state of maidenhood is suspicious and counter to the natural order.
pg. 253, Time of Contempt (UK edition)

Notable unicorns[]


See also[]



External links[]

  • Gwent icon See the GWENT standalone game version card: Unicorn