Witcher Wiki
Witcher Wiki

The Witcher[]

Illumination is the chief purpose of the torch, but as a weapon it has the benefit of causing incineration, making it useful against, for example, Echinopsae — early in the game, torches are a quicker, safer anti-Echinops weapon than Geralt's swords. Torches are ubiquitous, available in towns, houses, crypts, ruins etc. — look in barrels or wardrobes (and worth decent coin). Surprisingly, they can not be used to light up camp fire.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt[]

Torch is an item in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. It may be equipped in one of the pocket slots in the inventory panel for use as a light source. One torch is included in Geralt's starting equipment from the beginning of the quest Lilac and Gooseberries, and more can be found as loot, or bought from merchants later in the game.

In the inventory, torches are listed under the Weapons tab though they cannot be used to deal damage in combat. A torch may be equipped during combat, though it would prevent Geralt from performing strong attacks, as those require both hands to carry out.

Stepping into flammable material such as swamp gas with a torch equipped will cause that material to ignite, which would deal damage to Geralt and possibly knock him back.

Torches accumulate in the slot they are equipped, thus over time their weight may become significant if left unchecked. Also, as long as they remain equipped they cannot be sold, so best way to get rid of the extra weight is to unequip them and sell all but 1 to a merchant.

During the secondary quest Possession, 4 torches are necessary for one of the ways to deal with the Hym and can be found nearby.

Associated quest[]


  • Geralt will sometimes automatically light a torch in certain quest-related caves, even if he didn't have any on him - it would be "magically" added to the inventory. This is particularly noticeable since Patch 4.0 if one obtains the Candle lantern and disposes of all torches, as Geralt isn't scripted to use the lamp.