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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

Teyu was a renegade vodyanoy cleric.


In summer 1270, Teyu and his warriors began to attack defenseless people of Murky Waters in nearby fields. In order to stop him, the village chief Tobias Hoffman offered payment for his head.

If Geralt kills Teyu: Eventually Geralt of Rivia killed them and, after showing the proof, received his reward.

Associated quest[]


  • Teyu is unique among all trophy quests as he is the only one who should be fought using a steel sword instead of silver.
    • Even Voref who being a wolf normally should be fought with a steel sword is actually susceptible to silver.
  • He may also be the only trophy monster that has the ability to reason, unless Lilly does too.