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Greeting', your queen. Shupe is me.
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- Shupe to Meve, Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

Shupe was a rock troll who lived in Sloback Rut.


During the Second Northern War, Shupe's residence was often travelled through by soldiers. One day in 1267, a group of Nilfgaardian soldiers set up tents outside his cave, much to his anger. The rock troll attacked the men, and Queen Meve, seeing her enemies fighting an innocent troll, helped him, by defeating the Nilfgaardians in battle.

After the battle, Meve and Reynard Odo spoke to the troll, who explained why he opposed the Nilfgaardians, and even offered human meat for them to eat. After the conversation, he gave Meve the Elf and Onion Soup gwent card.

Associated quest[]

