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Tw3 achievements dendrologist unlocked
"That white-haired bloke... Gerard? Gerwant?" — The actual name of this subject is conjectural or unknown.
Tw3 achievements dendrologist unlocked

The "Scholar" is an ancient human language known by Nordling and Nilfgaardian scholars and lawyers. Social elites, such as kings or ambassadors, tend to decorate their speech with Latin phrases.[1][2][3]


Scholar English
non possumus no way (literally: we cannot)
sphera mundi[4] world
sus scrofa nordlinga[5] wild boar of the Northern Realms


  • This language shares a dictionary with Latin. It is unclear whether is it intended to be the Latin from the in-universe Earth or just a fictional old language that is "translated" as Latin in the books and games.

