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Reinald was a witcher from of the School of the Wolf active around the late 900s before he disappeared.



Journal entry[]

Reinald's story is one of tragedy. A young witcher who trained in the early years of the School of the Wolf, who explored the world with a curious mind and an eagerness to help others, and who ultimately accepted a contract he would not survive. Possessed by a red miasmal and locked away in the mines of Devil's Pit by the very priests of the Eternal Fire who had hired him, Reinald displayed tremendous strength in resisting the specter's will. He imprisoned himself and the miasmal in the salt cavern where he would remain as his life slowly slipped into darkness and sorrow. The plague spirit's presence kept the witcher's body in a state of undying, while Reinald held onto the sliver of hope that his dear friend would one day come to his rescue. But days turned to weeks, turned to years, turned to centuries...
If Geralt refused to bring the priest to him:
Ultimately, Reinald's end proved no dark grim than the long road leading to it. Geralt defeated the red miasmal and burned the witcher's body, thus forcing his embittered ghost to depart the world.
If Geralt could not get him to let go of his anger:
In the end, vengeance became Reinald's means of deliverance. He succumbed to the anger and bitterness that had swelled in him over these many years lost to time. By killing the young deacon from the Church of the Eternal Fire, the long-dead witcher cut the final tether that bound his spirit to this world, then vanished from the vale.
If Geralt was able to get him to let go of his anger:
The wait ended at last with a conversation between the witchers and the young deacon. Geralt had defeated the red miasmal and convinced Reinald that even a cleric of the Eternal Fire was capable of recognizing the Church's heinous mistakes. After witnessing the deacon's sincere regret for the sins of his predecessors, Reinald was able to depart in peace.

Associated quests[]
