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Nordlings believe in a vast pantheon of numerous gods, goddesses, mystical powers and local forces, as well as human Prophets and Saints. Their religion is not as organized as the Imperial Cult of the Great Sun – it lacks of one head above the whole cult, instead being centered around regional hierarchs, archpriests of given deities and charismatic leaders such as Grandmasters of knightly orders and self-proclaimed Prophets.

Settled priests usually follow a single deity but acknowledge and respect others[1] while the wandering ones tend to invoke all the gods.[2] Some of the deities are known as the Immortal Ones.[3]

It should be noted that while most of one deity's followers believe in the existence of another one, they do not necessarily worship the latter in the same way as the primary one – and, in extreme cases, can even hate it and its followers, as in case of the persecuted Coram Agh Tera cult.[4]



Aesculapius necklace

Shani's necklace

Aesculapius is a mythological figure after whom the Rod of Aesculapius on the Merchant Street is named. Shani wears an amulet depicting its symbol, a snake entwining a staff.


  • Asclepius was a hero and the god of medicine in ancient Greek religion and mythology.

Coram Agh Tera[]

For the full article, see Coram Agh Tera.


For the full article, see Dagon.

Dana Meadbh (Danamebi)[]

For the full article, see Dana Meadbh.


For the full article, see Epona.


For the full article, see Freya.


For the full article, see Huldra.


For the full article, see Kreve.


For the full article, see Lilvani.


For the full article, see Dana Meadbh.


For the full article, see Melitele.


For the full article, see Morrigan.


For the full article, see Nehaleni.


Priests of this deity are common in Ebbing. They have a wooden temple in Claremont and while they protest against harming animals in the Arena, they do not mind harming humans. At the square in front of the temple Bonhart tortured Ciri with the riding-whip, the priests did not intervene.


  • There is an area in Ebbing called Pereplut Swamps. It is the name of a god of rivers and dance in the Slavic mythology, so it is possible that this Ebbinger deity is called Pereplut as well.


For the full article, see Sedna.


For the full article, see Telawel.


For the full article, see Uroboros.


For the full article, see Veyopatis.


Many people living in Velen worship a deity called Verna the Merciful, whose shrines are often desecrated by blasphemers trying to make a point, like in the quest Defender of the Faith.


  • She might be based on Laverna, chtonic Roman goddess of refugees and thieves. Her name is shared with La Verna, a sanctuary established by Saint Francis of Assisi atop the ruins of the goddess' ancient temple.



For the full article, see Chaos.


For the full article, see Destiny.

Eternal Fire[]

For the full article, see Eternal Fire.


For the full article, see Order.

White Frost[]

For the full article, see White Frost.

Worshipped humans[]


For the full article, see Adela.

Saint Elmo[]

For the full article, see Saint Elmo.

Saint Gregory[]

For the full article, see Saint Gregory.

Prophet Lebioda[]

For the full article, see Lebioda.

Saint Plegmund[]

For the full article, see Saint Plegmund.

Saint Zoatham[]

For the full article, see Saint Zoatham.

Other worshipped entities[]


For the full article, see Gernichora.

Ladies of the Woods[]

For the full article, see Crones.

Lady of the Lake[]

For the full article, see Lady of the Lake (nymph).


For the full article, see Leshy.

Water Lords[]

For the full article, see Water Lords.

