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Castle Morgraig was an abandoned castle in the Kestrel Mountains which became the seat of the Order of Witchers.

Alzur, Cosimo Malaspina, and some other mages brought the witchers there after they were banished from Rissberg because the Brotherhood of Sorcerers deemed them failed experiments.

The castle would serve as the home of the witchers. During the winter they would return, mourn their fallen and share tales from their time on The Path. Sometime during these years Alzur and Cosimo left.

As the Order began to fracture into the various witcher schools its inhabitants left, leaving the castle abandoned once again.[1]

Known inhabitants[]



  • Alzur
  • Cosimo Malaspina


  • Taliesin Bleddyn Yorath aep Lywelyn


  • In The Bounds of Reason, there's a mention of a ruined keep situated in the Kestrels near the Braa's source. This keep might or might not have been Morgraig.

