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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
"Do you really wish to know?" — Spoilers from the books and/or adaptations to follow!
Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

Meldof, was a dwarven fighter who, just prior to the Conjunction of the Spheres, worked with six others to take down the Continent's new empire. The group's actions led to the Conjunction of the Spheres and the first witcher prototype.


Meldof was in a loving relationship with another dwarf, Gwen, but this all changed one day when Xin'trean soldiers attacked their village, raping and killing Gwen while Meldof was away. Set on vengeance, Meldof took her beloved's ashes and created a hammer with them, naming it Gwen, and set out to track down and kill each one of the soldiers. While she caught and killed all the rest, there was still one elusive one: Talyysen of the One Eye, a sergeant in the army. In her quest for vengeance, she broke into at least one brothel, killing those who stood in her way of her search.

She continued to track Talyysen across the Continent, from Gaylth, Bon Machán, Kilmac, and others, before finally catching up to and killing him. Finally feeling she was done now, she eventually found herself staying in a cave on the outskirts of the capital city of Xin'trea, where she quickly learned of Balor's beast that was still allowed to prowl the area at certain times. During her travels, she also learned of a misfit group making their way to Xin'trea to kill the empress and ran into them near her cave as Balor's beast prowled the area. After her hammer told her to help them out, she invited them back to her cave to get out of sight from the monster.

